2008: The Year in Politics

Here's the roundup of virtually everything important that happened in 2008. The message this year, as in every year: "If only they'd listened to me". Some of the mistakes made by Obama opponents are described here. If, instead of making those mistakes his opponents had pushed this plan or my non-partisan list of reasons to oppose him, Obama might not be president. The word "idiot" is used below.

* Several set-up debates were held this year: link, link, link, link, link, link, link, link, link, link, link, link

* Obama and Huckabee win the Iowa caucuses. John McCain was considered very much of a long shot.
* Reason Magazine and other cosmotarians helped Jim Kirchik smear Ron Paul, taking most of the air out of his campaign
* There was a rumor that Lou Dobbs was going to run for president, and then in May for governor of New Jersey.
* The Reverend Jeremiah Wright was not yet an issue.
* I noticed some Obama sockpuppets. In September, I learned that David Axelrod owns an astroturfing company.
* I postmodernally deconstructed a Chelsea Clinton commercial, also wishing I'd been there to keep the booze flowing to her. Cultural note: at that time, Perez Hilton was a Clinton supporter.
* Bill Clinton and Arnold Schwarzenegger joined to show how corrupt both are.
* I began a failed campaign to get people to ask John McCain about Juan Hernandez.


* Mike Huckabee won West Virginia with the help of Ron Paul.
* I voted for Hillary Clinton.
* McCain got support from George Bush and border state governors and from Jeb Bush.
* The Che Guevara flag on the wall of an Obama volunteers office got noticed, getting over 50,000 views.
* Larry Johnson and others pushed the Ayers and Rezko issues.
* I thought Obamamania had peaked. I was wrong.
* NAFTA started becoming an issue: link, link, link, link
* Starting a trend, Will.I.Am released the first of many creepy pro-Obama videos from him and others. I remixed it here.


* Eliot Spitzer self-destructed. I later take time out from celebrating to wonder whether he was set up.
* Obama lied about Lou Dobbs.


* Mike Gravel covered a "classic".
* Bob Barr made noise about running for president; I began my anti-Bob Barr campaign.
* Obama's "bitter" comments were released.
* Hillary experienced the proletariat.
* More about Bill Ayers came out.


* "Liberals" showed how not to question authority.
* McCain began his pandering home stretch, launching a Spanish-language version of his site and announcing that he'd speak to the NCLR. He continued later that month.
* I cautiously cautioned against pinning hopes on the Whitey Tape.


* Obama clinched the nomination; I predicted that meant a McCain win, but I wasn't counting on just how bad the McCain campaign would be.
* Obama began moving the DNC to Chicago.
* Ron Paul suspended his campaign. Thankfully, his supporters didn't execute Plan Black Nikes, but simply returned to having no impact whatsoever.
* Ross Perot returned, but did not save us.
* Obama admitted being deceptive about NAFTA.
* Obama tried to pretend that he was brought up with "values straight from the Kansas heartland".


* Obama, McCain, and Clinton went to the LULAC convention.
* Obama lied again, this time about healthcare. Then, he lied again when speaking to LULAC.
* Obama pushed for a bilingual America and smeared his (supposed) fellow U.S. citizens, again.
* McCain's hispandering got even worse.
* Obama proposed his "civilian national security force".
* Obama appeared at the NCLR convention and accused ICE of "terrorizing" communities.
* Obama goes global in Berlin.
* I discovered Camp Obama.
* Obama admitted to playing race card


* Questions about Obama's citizenship began bubbling up.
* Jerome Corsi released the book "Obama Nation" and got smeared by the Obama campaign, which went as far as creatively editing one of his quotes to make him look bad. Others who issued smears were Kenneth Vogel of the Politico.
* Stanley Kurtz continued his futile pushing of the Obama/Ayers connection; he ignored this more salient and current issue.
* FactCheck printed pictures supposedly of Obama's COLB on their site. Every other article the claims that where Obama was born has been proven rests in whole or in part on FactCheck, despite their page containing a lie.
* Vice President Joe Biden?
* C-list celebrity airheads prayed for Obama.
* Obama lied again, this time about Census Bureau statistics.
* Obama's DNC acceptance speech included a Greek temple; speech discussed here.


* At the end of the August, McCain selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. After a brief period the smears against Sarah Palin started and continued in the coming months.
* An anti-Obama ad from McCain turned out to be correct, despite the MSM's lies to the contrary.
* Winnergate didn't break.
* An Obama ad took a McCain quote out of context.
* FactCheck continued covering for Obama.
* McCain started his downfall by suspending his campaign to go save the U.S. economy.
* Obama showed his interest in the First Amendment through various actions.
* The Obama Cult got even creepier with the linked-by-Drudge video of kids singing to Obama.


* Obama's campaign contributions and the way they accepted money came under scrutiny; see the Obama money entries.
* I sent an Open Letter describing how to defeat Obama, and it was ignored.
* More Obama associates came under FBI scrutiny.
* Scott Shane of the New York Times spun the Bill Ayers/Obama issue, with other MSM sources following his lead in an attempt to protect Obama.
* Jerome Corsi was detained in Kenya; "liberals" responded by acting like little fascists.
* Obama's past involvement with the New Party didn't come back to haunt him.
* Obama lied about his involvement with ACORN and then covered his tracks.
* Worn out from other smears of Palin, the MSM tried a new tack: pretending that the crowds at McCain/Palin rallies were like something from Weimar Germany. Needless to say, McCain capitulated.
* African Press International had a shocking scoop, which they promise to release any moment now.
* Joe the Plumber became the Next Big Thing. Some of the same people who didn't want Obama to be asked questions jumped on the pro-JTP bandwagon. Meanwhile, Obama fans dug up dirt on him, including public employees.
* The Phil Berg lawsuit continued.
* Conservatives wasted their time telling other conservatives - almost none of whom were going to vote for him anyway - why they shouldn't vote for Obama.
* Some minor moles might have been activated.
* I provided a roundup of all the mistakes the Obama opponents made. On a stupid/ironic note, it was immediately deleted from FreeRepublic when I re-posted it there.
* A McCain volunteer got "mugged" at an ATM and was later mugged by reality.
* Joe Biden was asked a series of stupid questions; really tough questions would have shown him to be unqualified.
* I began an unsuccessful campaign to raise awareness of Obama's published plan for preteen children.
* Sarah Palin's supposed wardrobe purchases became an issue, but not the higher purchases from the Obama campaign.
* I issued The Non-Partisan Case Against Barack Obama, containing 20 things that most Americans could oppose about him. Idiots pushed other things.
* Obama put on a sweater (or at least seemed to) and ran an infomercial.
* I described how to get the Khalidi tape. Although that was briefly linked by Michelle Malkin, idiots concentrated on ineffective means such as protesting in front of the L.A. Times building.
* Another Obama associated came to light but had no effect.
* Just in time, the state of Hawaii issued a press release that allowed many to falsely claim that where Obama was born had been proven.
* Obama's auntie was discovered, and discovered to be an illegal alien.

* An audio tape of an Obama relative supposedly claiming he was born in Kenya was released.
* Idiots oversold the story about Obama and coal, thereby muting its impact and allowing the MSM to mislead on his behalf. See the correct treatment of this issue here and here.
* Obama reached out to we Ethnic-Americans.
* A blogger finally asked someone a question; too late and too weak.
* Palin was cleared in Troopergate; again, too late.
* Obama won, and I laughed through the tears.
* McCain and his staffers immediately began CYA'ing and blaming others for their complete incompetence.
* Obama lauched change dot gov.
* Racial power groups began their campaign.
* The Washington Post admitted biased coverage for Obama, but only in quantity.


Sad to say Ted hit it on the money, and the money is the game, 2008 is just the start of total evil, and obama is the political and race messenger. send by our enemies and just look at our government most are in fact born in other places.

May God help you all this coming year.

Challenge, can anyone prove this wrong?:– 1. Constitution Article II requires USA President to be “natural born citizen”. 2. BHO’s website admits his dad was Kenyan/British, not American, citizen when BHO was born. 3. BHO is therefore not a “natural born citizen” (irrespective of Hawaiian birth or whether he may be a 14th Amendment “citizen” of USA) — as confirmed in the Senate’s own McCain qualification resolution agreed to by BHO. 4. Supreme Court has already docketed two upcoming conferences, 1/9/09 and 1/16/09 — between dates Congress counts electoral votes (1/8/09) and Presidential inauguration (1/20/09) — to address Berg Case and fashion relief on BHO’s eligibility to be President. 5. Since no facts are in dispute, Supreme Court rules on Summary Judgment to enjoin BHO’s inauguration as President. 6. Therefore, BHO is not inaugurated as President. 7. Vice President Elect Biden is inaugurated Acting President under the 20th Amendment to serve until new President is determined — the procedure for which determination to be set out by Congress and/or the Supreme Court so long as in conformance with the Constitution.