The L.A. Times, the DREAM Act, and a jolly good Fisking

A recent L.A. Times' editorial on Orrin Hatch's DREAM Act (which would give lower college tuition to illegal aliens than to U.S. citizens*) gets a good Fisking here:

...I have no problem with the idea of liberalizing citizenship laws, in and of itself, though again that is the province of the federal government, not the states. I have a huge problem with rewarding people who flout the law by pretending they are "citizens," particularly when their faux "citizenship" gets them privileges that are not available to immigrants who obey our laws, or even to U.S. citizens who recently moved from another state.

My posts on the DREAM Act and related bills start here.

*No, you didn't read that wrong. Orrin Hatch and Dick Durbin want to give citizens of another country a better break than U.S. citizens.

Let me say that again: Hatch and Durbin want U.S. citizens to pay higher tuition than illegal aliens.



My name is Connie and my parents brought me here illegally at age of 4. I went to school at age of five I grew up in California all my life. I went to elementary, Middle School and High School. I 'm attending this occupation center to finish my school fast and earn my credits in a faster way. But honestly I hate the fact that even though my parents brought me her illegally with out me having a vote of voice. They wont allow me to be in this country. I had been searching for a College to attend. But every time that I do that I get sad and depressed because the cost is very high I cant afford the minimum cost that they are asking me for. I cant work because I don

Does anyone know when the Dream Act is suppose to come into effect or when it passes? If so please feel free to reply to this message or e-mail me. Thankss

Does anyone know when the Dream Act is suppose to come into effect or when it passes? If so please feel free to reply to this message or e-mail me. Thankss

i'm doing a research paper on illegal immigrants and the dream act if you have any usefull info i would greatly appreciate it please e-mail me!!!

i'm doing a research paper on illegal immigrants and the dream act if you have any usefull info i would greatly appreciate it please e-mail me!!!

First of all i just would like that one day you will get up from your bed and realize that you are an "Illigal Immigrant". I would love to see how you would handle just a week with out any support at all, having to hide in the shadows, not having parenst or any sort of family. Who would you run too and ask for help? How will you make it in this world without an education or a job? Why is it that just because one is trying so hard to make it in this place there are many who hate us? What would happend to a wild animal if its taken from its land and raised in captivity? what will happen once that animal is full grown and is placed back in the wild? what would be its chances of survival?

I understand that, yes there are a lot of terrorist attacks, but one thing that one must understand is this simple fact: IT HAPPENS ALL OVER THE WORLD! Look at what happend in the school in Russia(may God keep their souls). Or what just happend to the Australia Embassy.

I understand that security is needed, but are people that want a better life the threat? Theres always this facts about how certain percent of teenagers are in Gangs or drop outs, drug dealers and so on.
Now how come this society only focuses on the negative things? Why wont they focus on the ones that only want an education?
Many of us had no choice in coming to the U.S. that decision was made for us. What do you suggest me to do? Should i have told my father not to die? should i have told my mother not to bring me here and then have her die aswell? What should i do now since i have no parents?

I was brought here at the age of 9 and I have lived in a Teen Center since i was 14. i am now 21.I GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL,obtained MY DIPLOMA. I worked and still fighting to go through College.
Now am I or any of my fellow students the threat of this place?
All i ever wanted was a normal life. I m sure u are wondering what a normal life is. Well to me is living my life to the fullest. to prove that im a HUMAN being just like every one else. I want to full fill my DREAMS, GOALS with out hiding in my own shadows.

I do hope that this is somethin that your Ignorant and Selfish heads can comprehand!

Hi everyone, well I just wanted to point out something to everyone. The term "illegals" keeps getting mentioned and I'm wondering if the people who are totally opposed to the DREAM ACT even know that although the students may be here illegally, they are not considered illegal by the government until they turn 18. I am here "illegally" although technically I'm not because I'm a minor and so are most of the people who would benefit from the DREAM ACT. I think that we "illegals" (although not technically) should take action into our own hands, I have written a petition letter to send to the Senators and have started to hand it out to AMERICAN BORN CITIZENS who are in favor of this DREAM ACT and actually urged me to start this project, I am also handing it out to people from around my community and trying to get a good outcome from this. Another thing that I did was write my own personal letter to the Senators telling them about my situation and everything that I have lived through, because I heard from "important people" that this builds more pressure on them to pass this DREAM ACT. So with saying this...I encourage you all to start doing the same in your to communities and to write a personal letter describing your situation.

Dream Act is designed for young people who went to school here and grew up here.. and are no differnet from the children of Citizens. They are better students because they do not take things for granted.

Illegal Immigrants that hope for a future amnesty DO PAY TAXES because it benefits them in the long run. If INS comes knocking on their door... paying taxes is a defense.

Not all Illegal Immigrants came here ILLEGALLY. I am an illegal immigrant.. who came here legally. My parents brought me here at the age of 7. Because of how disfunctional the INS is... nothing worked out to become leagalized.

I am now 20. I started working when I was 13. My family has paid taxes every year since we have been here. I work under the table.. but I pay taxes.. But I do not get any benefits. I am not entitled to any health benefits. I can't get a scholarship, finiancial aid or be accepted in to a school. I pay out of state tuition at a community college... and I still pay taxes, without getting a penny back.

Its the illegal people who hold this country together by doing jobs that citizens are not willing to do... like delivering that newspaper in the morning rain, snow or shine.. to your doorstep 4:00 in the morning. Try getting out of a warm bed in the middle of the night to go out in the freezing snow or the wet rain.

Its the citizens that take everything for granted and abuse the system. For immigrants who have no status... everyday is a challenge... and everything seems like a dead end.

But immigrants without a status have hope because they know that the good people in this country do support this law.


Fuck all u racist motherfuckers without undocumented people this country is nothing
terry is ignorant

Does Any One Have Any Updates On The Dream Act?

Does Any One Have Any Updates On The Dream Act?

Does Any One Have Any Updates On The Dream Act?

Does Any One Have Any Updates On The Dream Act?

Does Any One Have Any Updates On The Dream Act?

My parents brought me and my brother to this country when I was only 11 and my brother was only 2!!! I have more recollection and understanding of the situation, but my brother had NO idea that he wasn't here legaly! Infact he didn't even know he wasn't an American! His first language is English and he LOVES the American culture! It would be debastating for him if he ever had to leave this country. HE IS AN AMERICAN!

I came to the US in 1988 my father worked as a diplomat for a country in Africa and my mother was trained as a secretary. I was three when I came here, so America is my home. In 1992, my father filed for asylum from his country. He went unpaid for 6 months , he quit the embassy. My father spoke out against the corruption that was taking place. Ambassadors taking the workers money to buy homes and rent them out. He feared to go back to his country because he defied the government.He then began a partnership in a limousine company. In 1999, we had our court date. Unfortunatley we were mis-represented, the lawyer completely ruined everything, he even forgot to put my mother in the case, we were denied permenant residency. We appealed the decision, years went by and by this time I had entered high school. Shortly after Sept 11th we received a letter stating, that our case was denied and we must leave the country within thirty days. The problem was the court did not even review the case, as stated in the letter, "all pending decisions with the apeals courts have been denied by the order of President George W. Bush." We contacted our new lawyer and he told that you can not be denied with out review. The case was taken to a third circuit court and awaited the decision. At this time I was your typical scholar-athlete. I was ranked in the top 20% in my class and was heavly recruited in track and field by the major division 1 schools in the east coast. In my father's country a civil war was taking place and many of my family members passed away, but more specifically my father's uncle was assaisnated. After being accepted into my university, my parents would have to pay $15,000 a semester. In college I competed in track and was a good student with a 3.4 GPA. Five days before Thanksgiving day my father and his lawyers went to a review meeting (it's an officer just checking if have done anything wrong in the past year). At the time my father was told he was going to be detained in a Detention Center till the third circuit court decides on his ruling. The third circuit court decided that we were to be deported, but they kept my father in the detention because they could not get in contact with his countries embassy to get a valid passport (the embassy was shut down, it's a third world country don't be surprised). Six months had passed and still no news. Exactly three days before he was going to be released the passport arrived and my father was deported back to his country. They did not care for me, I guess they had sympathy for the fact that I've been here all my life and don't know my father's language. I could not return to school for the second semester because financially my mother could not afford it. Tell me how this is fair, my father did everything right he entered the country LEGALLY we had legal papers. My parents have driver licenses, we pay ample taxes. We own a house, my father was an co-owner of a successful business. My father paid taxes for New York and New Jersey because he worked in New York, but lived in Jersey. We were pretty much legal citizens, but we just lacked the paper work. Now I have to transfer to a community college, my athletic career is in the air. All I know is I'm going to work my butt off and get an education. The DREAM Act is my only hope that I could see my father again. Imagine one day someone tells you your father is gone and you won't ever see him. Some may not be able to. It brings me to tears knowing that my father is gone. I did everything right. I'm an education major and plan to teach in the NY city schools, I plan to give back to the community. I've the community I live in. For one the ones that say I don't belong here, you're completely wrong. I'm an American I might have a passport to prove, but I love this country. I shed tears like everyone else on Sept 11th. I heard the plane hit, I smelt the smoke. I'm 3 miles away from the buildings were. I do belong!

where can i get my workers permit at online for mcdonalds?

I came to the united states when I was nine years old. I came legally and that opened alot of doors for me. When I graduated from high school I had many Hispanic friends that where goign to graduate with me but could't continue studying because of their immigrant status. I tried my best to make them understand that they should try and at least take one or two clases per semester. To my surprise now all four of them are going but it is hard. They go to school and work the rest of the day to raise money for tuition and books. Later when they get out of work they have to go home and do homework the next day they do the same thing. Now I understand what they meant because they have to help with the house expenses also and they don't give up they work their buts to do what they want and to be better in life. Don't you think they deserve something better the oportunity to graduate from college with a higher GPA and to be an American. because wether we like it or not the economy is at this point becaus of the Illegal immigrants that have to pay taxes but can not file a tax return. and to those people who don't agree go to the teather and look for the movie A DAY WITH OUT A MEXICAN and let see what you think that will give you an idea of how the US will be with out MEXICANOS.

Americans, at one point in history, did not want to take on the responsibility of doing the work them selves and enslaved thousands of Africans to do the labor. This caused a war because they did not want to let their economy go down the drain; there was no one else to do that kind of labor. Now, the

I can also share Camila's pain, because I am also 17 now and came here when I was two. I was brought here LEGALLY and I have sooo much to offer to this country that is supposed to be a "melting pot". I only wish I can fullfill my dreams of becoming a biology major and part time journalist. Some times I can't even share my pain of not getting a driver's license or work permit with my friends because they dont know about my situation and i dont know how they'll feel about me afterwards. I really hope the world wasn't so cynical and could understand another person's worries. The immigration keeps pending our status case further and further. I just want to stabilize myself somewhere. I know I have a great mind and give to so many people in the future, if only given a chance. My hands are tied and I can't even and Im afraid i cant go to the college of my choice or even get any scholorships for my hard work and dedication like my brother before me. He graduated with a 4.20 GPA from high school and had to pay three times the in state tuition fee of a normal resident. My parents cant pay that much any longer because i have two brothers that go to college. In one year i will be graduating and will be stuck in the same situation. I really urge everyone in the same situation as me, to start a petition in their community and urge the congress to pass this act and get this act noticed so other people that dont know about all this wake up and understand what a big deal this is. Its common sense that this act doesnt hurt any one but rather benefits the unfortunate future contributors out there. Thats all. THanks.

Think with a good intention and have a heart wether you are an american citizen or anyone else, please support the dream act.

I can also share Camila's pain, because I am also 17 now and came here when I was two. I was brought here LEGALLY and I have sooo much to offer to this country that is supposed to be a "melting pot". I only wish I can fullfill my dreams of becoming a biology major and part time journalist. Some times I can't even share my pain of not getting a driver's license or work permit with my friends because they dont know about my situation and i dont know how they'll feel about me afterwards. I really hope the world wasn't so cynical and could understand another person's worries. The immigration keeps pending our status case further and further. I just want to stabilize myself somewhere. I know I have a great mind and give to so many people in the future, if only given a chance. My hands are tied and I can't even and Im afraid i cant go to the college of my choice or even get any scholorships for my hard work and dedication like my brother before me. He graduated with a 4.20 GPA from high school and had to pay three times the in state tuition fee of a normal resident. My parents cant pay that much any longer because i have two brothers that go to college. In one year i will be graduating and will be stuck in the same situation. I really urge everyone in the same situation as me, to start a petition in their community and urge the congress to pass this act and get this act noticed so other people that dont know about all this wake up and understand what a big deal this is. Its common sense that this act doesnt hurt any one but rather benefits the unfortunate future contributors out there. Thats all. THanks.

Think with a good intention and have a heart wether you are an american citizen or anyone else, please support the dream act.

I can also share Camila's pain, because I am also 17 now and came here when I was two. I was brought here LEGALLY and I have sooo much to offer to this country that is supposed to be a "melting pot". I only wish I can fullfill my dreams of becoming a biology major and part time journalist. Some times I can't even share my pain of not getting a driver's license or work permit with my friends because they dont know about my situation and i dont know how they'll feel about me afterwards. I really hope the world wasn't so cynical and could understand another person's worries. The immigration keeps pending our status case further and further. I just want to stabilize myself somewhere. I know I have a great mind and give to so many people in the future, if only given a chance. My hands are tied and I can't even and Im afraid i cant go to the college of my choice or even get any scholorships for my hard work and dedication like my brother before me. He graduated with a 4.20 GPA from high school and had to pay three times the in state tuition fee of a normal resident. My parents cant pay that much any longer because i have two brothers that go to college. In one year i will be graduating and will be stuck in the same situation. I really urge everyone in the same situation as me, to start a petition in their community and urge the congress to pass this act and get this act noticed so other people that dont know about all this wake up and understand what a big deal this is. This act doesnt hurt any one but rather benefits the unfortunate future contributors out there. Thats all. THanks.

i cannot believe some people are so ignorant. i am sitting at my computer crying because of the things some of you people have to say. i was brought to this country by my parens for a better future. i am 17 years old and i have absolutely no way of paying my $70,000 art school that i dream of going to. Do you peole that are against the DREAM act have no heart??? i cannot pursue a carrer because i cannot get loans or scholarships, and because my parents don't sit in a comfortable office and earn $60 an hour. they work in the sun and in the cold every day of the year to provide us with the things we have. If you oppose this act I forgive you, but i don't understand how you can have no consideration, and absolutely no hear.

i cannot believe some people are so ignorant. i am sitting at my computer crying because of the things some of you people have to say. i was brought to this country by my parens for a better future. i am 17 years old and i have absolutely no way of paying my $70,000 art school that i dream of going to. Do you peole that are against the DREAM act have no heart??? i cannot pursue a carrer because i cannot get loans or scholarships, and because my parents don't sit in a comfortable office and earn $60 an hour. they work in the sun and in the cold every day of the year to provide us with the things we have. If you oppose this act I forgive you, but i don't understand how you can have no consideration, and absolutely no hear.

i cannot believe some people are so ignorant. i am sitting at my computer crying because of the things some of you people have to say. i was brought to this country by my parens for a better future. i am 17 years old and i have absolutely no way of paying my $70,000 art school that i dream of going to. Do you peole that are against the DREAM act have no heart??? i cannot pursue a carrer because i cannot get loans or scholarships, and because my parents don't sit in a comfortable office and earn $60 an hour. they work in the sun and in the cold every day of the year to provide us with the things we have. If you oppose this act I forgive you, but i don't understand how you can have no consideration, and absolutely no hear.

It seems that only people in our situation can trully relate to the struggle we are going through. The road to college was very difficult for us "illegals", the way I see it: if this country is willing to invest in our secondary education but then makes it difficult for us to continue into higher education, isn't that counterproductive? What a waste of resources! i have been in the United States for over 16 years, I love this country and would do anything to protect it against any threat, but i cannot even join the Army, Navy, etc! Anyway, I am an American, I don't care if i don't have the papers confirm it. people in our situation have potential. We know what the American Dream is all about because it is denied to us. I don't want special treatment through the DREAM Act. And it would not give us any either. Before anyone says that we should be deported or lined up on a wall and shot (as suggested by "ractionary" earlier, the fucking idiot!) think about this: where did your family come from? Even if you are a Native American,your ancestors immigrated to this land. The DREAM Act would let us financially support ourselves through college. It would give us the documents we need to get a job, thats right...a JOB!! We are not after American citizen's financial aid money, all I want is the same consideration that every citizen gets when they apply to a job. We are already here, and it is impossible to get rid of us. What do we have to do to be recognized, start a revolution? We are an asset to this country. think of all the jobs we can create if we are given the opportunity to become profesionals!WE MUST UNITE! WE MUST SCREAM AT THE TOP OF OUR LUNGS! IN NUMBERS WE ARE STRONG. IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME!

I guess beign an ilegal in America today is almost like being a Jew in Pre-Nazi Germany during the mid 30s.
Who are we to control other humans where they may or not go?

So, is it ok for us to send crack-head babies to jail just because their parents were the cause of their condition? Do we make them suffer by denying them a new home or health care because of this; or do we instead get rid of them? What kind of people do you think they'll grow up to be and what kind of consequences will a decision like that bring to society?
These babies had no control of their parents decisions over their lives, yet many of them are cared for by many loving hands. Why then, when it comes to something so simple such as a green card, for individuals that have no cultural, financial or even criminal backlash on society treated just like (if not worst) than a crack-head parent?

Isag brings out a good point, but he may have misread the proposal, because DREAM ACT does NOT give out FINACIAL AID. It only helps out by giving the student the correct tuition depending on the state he resides on. Some students, may or may not seek finacial aid or student loans. But, If you ask me, it costs more money to the goverment not have immigrant pay social security.


But, If I've been living in New York for the last 10 years, why should I have to pay the same tuition than someone that doesn't?
Dream Act is not set to help out illegals get cheaper tuition, but instead to help get their greens cards and help stablish the fair price for instate college tuition.
Why are so many individuals complaining about this?
What if instead college tuition, Dream ACT set out just for the greens card part, would this be ok with everyone?

This is to whomever would like to read it. I am studying about education in my English 50 class. I am a freshman in college. I am of Spaniard and Hispanic descent. I understand illegal immigration and how it works. I live 13 miles away from the mexican border. You see, I am a college student who has to pay my own tuition, my own books, my own rent, expenses for living, and my son's expenses. Yes, I said a son. I understand this DREAM Act for I have done some research on my own. You see I agree with Terry. Jobs are taken away from me because even though I am of Mexican descent I do not speak Spanish very well. Jobs (by the way i'm an American citizen) are taken away from me because I am not bilingual. I understand that in history language has always been very diverse, but everything that is known for education is mostly written in English. I do not get financial aid. The only reason I don't get it is because my parents make 1,000 dollars more than they are suppose to. I was suppose to get a Cal Grant, but you see my parent's income was "over the cieling." My parents pay the tuition of my brother who goes to Point Loma which cost 21,000 dollars but he gets a 9,000 scholarship. You see I'm an AMerican citizen and no one is fighting for me to get financial aid, why are they fighting for someone else, someone who slipped under the back door? I do not cheat teh system out and get welfare even though I am a teenage mother as ILLEGAL immigrants with fake papers or social security cards. Let me also give you some statistics, in California 40% of illegal immigrants children can read english when they graduate from high school. The economy is suppose to boost by 13% because of illegal immigrants in school. But don't you think it will decrease when the illegal immigrants take the place of american citizens who are already paying taxes and they no longer will because they no longer will have what they had before? So isn't it just a stay the same situation? How about registering for classes, the Dream act will enable the Illegals to get financial aid and they will register before me beacuse they get financial aid. They will also be taking more money from Americans hands after the budget cuts. I believe helping the country within its citizens is a priority. And you might say i'm being "ignorant or selfish" but remember that i want to make a life of my own, and isn't it fair that even though i go through hardships as they have that i get help first being an American Citizen. And Marife, a piece of paper does change something, whether you get benefits before me or not.

This is to whomever would like to read it. I am studying about education in my English 50 class. I am a freshman in college. I am of Spaniard and Hispanic descent. I understand illegal immigration and how it works. I live 13 miles away from the mexican border. You see, I am a college student who has to pay my own tuition, my own books, my own rent, expenses for living, and my son's expenses. Yes, I said a son. I understand this DREAM Act for I have done some research on my own. You see I agree with Terry. Jobs are taken away from me because even though I am of Mexican descent I do not speak Spanish very well. Jobs (by the way i'm an American citizen) are taken away from me because I am not bilingual. I understand that in history language has always been very diverse, but everything that is known for education is mostly written in English. I do not get financial aid. The only reason I don't get it is because my parents make 1,000 dollars more than they are suppose to. I was suppose to get a Cal Grant, but you see my parent's income was "over the cieling." My parents pay the tuition of my brother who goes to Point Loma which cost 21,000 dollars but he gets a 9,000 scholarship. You see I'm an AMerican citizen and no one is fighting for me to get financial aid, why are they fighting for someone else, someone who slipped under the back door? I do not cheat teh system out and get welfare even though I am a teenage mother as ILLEGAL immigrants with fake papers or social security cards. Let me also give you some statistics, in California 40% of illegal immigrants children can read english when they graduate from high school. The economy is suppose to boost by 13% because of illegal immigrants in school. But don't you think it will decrease when the illegal immigrants take the place of american citizens who are already paying taxes and they no longer will because they no longer will have what they had before? So isn't it just a stay the same situation? How about registering for classes, the Dream act will enable the Illegals to get financial aid and they will register before me beacuse they get financial aid. They will also be taking more money from Americans hands after the budget cuts. I believe helping the country within its citizens is a priority. And you might say i'm being "ignorant or selfish" but remember that i want to make a life of my own, and isn't it fair that even though i go through hardships as they have that i get help first being an American Citizen. And Marife, a piece of paper does change something, whether you get benefits before me or not.

hi, everyone I'm new to this web site, but I would just like to say that we should work hard to get the DREAM ACT passed. We can make a difference. I have Faith that this act will pass. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU! YES, THIS INCLUDES TERRY!Good luck with that book. oh, and Efrain good arguments.

I am currently making a speech that im going to be presenting tomorrow on this topic. I strongly support it. The dream act is also another way to help the US economy. With the education, once illegal immigrants have a decent job they can pay better taxes. It helps crime by keeping the kids off the streets and hitting the books instead. If they can't educate themselves or even get a job they will commit crime and turn to drugs. only 40% of illegal immigrants finish school and the rest drop out becuase they have no hope in continuing their education anyway. Illegal children should not be punished for a crime they did not commit. It is impossible to deport everyone anyway so why not try to make the best of a problem that is unfixable? Why should talent be wasted? It could be used to improve the future of this country. I have been living in this country for almost my whole life(16years) i became a us citizen in the third grade. I am one of the best students of my class. Even if i wasnt a citizen i would still have the talent and potential to receive an education. A peice of paper does not change anything.


I agree with you efrain and I support the dream act too. I'm not sure why some people think illegals are so bad and always blame innocent illegals for terrorits actions and other crimes that might have been supported by legal people. It doesn't matter if you came here legally or illegally if you're a terrorist there's nothing that can change that. People have to learn that this whole world belongs to everyone because God created it for everyone, so just because other people invaded or took over power of a certain land and made laws, nothing changes the reality in God, which is that everything is the same for Him and when He judges us He wont ask for our documentation.

I am confused. How do you define American? And how long does it take for someone to become American. This is for anyone who wants to answer.

Regarding the planned alien work stoppage mentioned in a previous post:

I think this is a great idea. It would settle once and for all the argument that we can't get along without illegal aliens. It would also be a good opportunity for the Border Patrol to clean house. Anyone loafing around gets deported. (Stood against a wall and shot would be better...)

I have no idea why most of these comments are depicting violence instead of comprehension. I think that we as illegal immigrants should be demonstrating every single american that we deserve a chance and that we can contribute and are and have been contributing to this country for a very long time. I hope that the Dream Act passes so that we can all have a chance to become something in life and hopefully help those like us.


Wow, Terry did a lot of posting on here. Here are my comments on his posts. First of all, his argument about illegal immigrants not paying taxes can easily be disputed: if the DREAM Act passed the new conditional residents WOULD pay taxes. Do not try to argue that, since it would be a requirement. Terry also stated, "There is one thing I don't understand. If there are so many of these highly intelligent ILLEGAL immigrants, why are they afraid to go through the proper immigration channels? Why are they afraid to learn English? Why don't they use this intelligence to fix up their homeland?" First of all Terry, listen to what you are saying; how can these highly intelligent illegal immigrants go through the proper immigration channels? You forget that they were brought here unknowingly by a guardian as children. So, it can be assumed that they may lack some of the proper documentation from their home country to apply for legal entrance into this country. Plus, these highly intelligent individuals know that they cannot apply for residency since one of the disqualifications for applying for residency is entering the country by any other means other than through the border patrol; it could only bring problems and possibly deportation. Even if they did go out of the country and tried to re-enter legally they would only be bringing serious problems upon themselves since: 1. if they lied and said they had always lived in their home country, thus never entered US illegally, they could be charged with perjury. 2. If they did not lie and said that had lived here previously they would be admitting a crime and thus would be denied entrance into the country. Also, on learning English.... that's just a dumb question Terry. The DREAM Act would benefit individuals who have made a commitment to education. Through that logic it can be assumed that these people know the English language since one cannot succeed in education without at least average knowledge of the English language. Now pertaining to the ignorant comment of why they do not return to their home countries and fix it up; the simple answer is because they did not grow up in that country, they do not know their laws, some do not even speak their native language which would at least provide them the opportunity to learn them. You want an example of an illegal immigrant who has mastered English? You go it; me. I attend a nationally respected university: a "Tier I" university. I am majoring in English with emphasis on secondary education. That's right Terry, I could possibly end up teaching your children English! What a surprise huh? The tuition that I am paying now, 1/3 of the household income which my family sacrifices, will be well worth it if as a teacher I can raise social awareness on issues of injustice, inequality, and unfairness; such as this one. On another comment you made, the number of people with communicable disease entering the country illegally is minimal since those entering as adults would have at least gotten some rudimentary vaccination in their home country, as both my parents did, and those brought in as children would be very unlikely to have any communicable diseases. It would also be very unlikely that a child be a criminal; and if you want to argue that simply by entering the country illegaly they qualify as criminals... do I even have to make my point on this one? Go ahead argue that the adults entering are criminals. It was stated by an anti-DREAM Act leader that there are 80,000 illegal immigrants within the US. 80,000 is a very small number compared to the 10 million illegal immigrants in this country. Plus, most of these 80,000 criminals did not come here as criminals, they became criminals HERE because of the social injustices. Have you ever lived in a slum my dear friend Terry? Imagine that you cannot pursue education because you have to work a hard manual labor job that pays below minimum wage to support your family. Say you have to work two of these crap jobs as is the case the majority of the time. Do you think these conditions not beget desperation within illegal immigrants? Would stealing or breaking the law to provide for your family not cross your mind? I'm sure you love your family. Now honestly, can you work two difficult more than full-time jobs and still have time for education? If the DREAM Act passed some of these criminals, those with nothing on record, would have an incentive to prosper in education, thus lowering the crime rate which you complain of. Plus, those who leave crime and prosper academically will be taxpayers like you. See where I'm getting at? Lower crime rates, more tax money to fight it.... nice huh? Oh and about one of your analogies; the home invasion one. You forget that the DREAM Act will befenit those who have persued education despite the great disadvantages BUT are ALSO of GOOD MORAL CHARACTER, thus not criminals. You're taking the DREAM Act out of context here buddy. About your logic for justifying you comment, "After all, good or bad, your first move, was to break in"; once again you took the DREAM Act out of context since the kids that it will benefit would need to have been here for at least 5 years and the truth is that most have been here most their lives, as I have, so if we assume that they were brought here as children we can say that they did not 'break in' willingly, they were brought in, and cannot classify them as criminals, as you insinuate. I know you'll say, ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law. I agree, but they were children who had no say on the matter so why should they be punished rather than rewarded for their academic success. You're putting their parents' mistakes on them? How ignorant can you be? They have only done the best they can out of the situation. Plus, these kids who show application to education are most likely not the criminal type. Also, for your information illegal immigrants can apply for TIN (Tax Identification Numbers) which they can use to fill out taxes, yet get no returns on them. So they contribute more than you think. Your argument about illegal immigrants not paying for basic services such as ambulances, police, firemen, etc... once again I tell you: If they were granted conditional residency they would pay for all those things. They would be able to get health insurance, pay taxes for policemen, etc. They would be required to pay for these things during the processing period on the way to permanent legal residency. Logically, once they begin to pay for these they would, in most cases, continue to pay for these services. I mean, they are scared now of calling the cops, so I can guarantee you that they extremely limit using that service, even sometimes when they should for safety reasons. They also do not want to go to the doctor, and some don't even accept them, because they know they cannot pay for it, so their health problems progressively become worse; where's the humanity in that? They can't even get Medicaid or Medicare when they are either of age or below the poverty line because they are illegal. Hey at least you acknowledged the fact that illegal immigrants contribute some to roads thought the toll booths. You say that mostly legals pay for these services, that is true. But if you gave the educated children a chance with the DREAM Act they would be legals too and share in your expenses. It might even be better for this country since they will continue to use the benefits they take advantage of now, but would actually be contributing to pay for them. So, the amount of funding for these benefits would increase more greatly than their usage. I mean, if you do not get me by now Terry you should repeat, "Become legal, pay money," a few hundred times. You also make mention of the danger of giving criminals legalization and how we cannot assume decency in illegal immigrants. That's why they would have to pass a criminal background check with the DREAM Act. Wow, that wasn't very hard now was it?

Wow, Terry did a lot of posting on here. Here are my comments on his posts. First of all, his argument about illegal immigrants not paying taxes can easily be disputed: if the DREAM Act passed the new conditional residents WOULD pay taxes. Do not try to argue that, since it would be a requirement. Terry also stated, "There is one thing I don't understand. If there are so many of these highly intelligent ILLEGAL immigrants, why are they afraid to go through the proper immigration channels? Why are they afraid to learn English? Why don't they use this intelligence to fix up their homeland?" First of all Terry, listen to what you are saying; how can these highly intelligent illegal immigrants go through the proper immigration channels? You forget that they were brought here unknowingly by a guardian as children. So, it can be assumed that they may lack some of the proper documentation from their home country to apply for legal entrance into this country. Plus, these highly intelligent individuals know that they cannot apply for residency since one of the disqualifications for applying for residency is entering the country by any other means other than through the border patrol; it could only bring problems and possibly deportation. Even if they did go out of the country and tried to re-enter legally they would only be bringing serious problems upon themselves since: 1. if they lied and said they had always lived in their home country, thus never entered US illegally, they could be charged with perjury. 2. If they did not lie and said that had lived here previously they would be admitting a crime and thus would be denied entrance into the country. Also, on learning English.... that's just a dumb question Terry. The DREAM Act would benefit individuals who have made a commitment to education. Through that logic it can be assumed that these people know the English language since one cannot succeed in education without at least average knowledge of the English language. Now pertaining to the ignorant comment of why they do not return to their home countries and fix it up; the simple answer is because they did not grow up in that country, they do not know their laws, some do not even speak their native language which would at least provide them the opportunity to learn them. You want an example of an illegal immigrant who has mastered English? You go it; me. I attend a nationally respected university: a "Tier I" university. I am majoring in English with emphasis on secondary education. That's right Terry, I could possibly end up teaching your children English! What a surprise huh? The tuition that I am paying now, 1/3 of the household income which my family sacrifices, will be well worth it if as a teacher I can raise social awareness on issues of injustice, inequality, and unfairness; such as this one. On another comment you made, the number of people with communicable disease entering the country illegally is minimal since those entering as adults would have at least gotten some rudimentary vaccination in their home country, as both my parents did, and those brought in as children would be very unlikely to have any communicable diseases. It would also be very unlikely that a child be a criminal; and if you want to argue that simply by entering the country illegaly they qualify as criminals... do I even have to make my point on this one? Go ahead argue that the adults entering are criminals. It was stated by an anti-DREAM Act leader that there are 80,000 illegal immigrants within the US. 80,000 is a very small number compared to the 10 million illegal immigrants in this country. Plus, most of these 80,000 criminals did not come here as criminals, they became criminals HERE because of the social injustices. Have you ever lived in a slum my dear friend Terry? Imagine that you cannot pursue education because you have to work a hard manual labor job that pays below minimum wage to support your family. Say you have to work two of these crap jobs as is the case the majority of the time. Do you think these conditions not beget desperation within illegal immigrants? Would stealing or breaking the law to provide for your family not cross your mind? I'm sure you love your family. Now honestly, can you work two difficult more than full-time jobs and still have time for education? If the DREAM Act passed some of these criminals, those with nothing on record, would have an incentive to prosper in education, thus lowering the crime rate which you complain of. Plus, those who leave crime and prosper academically will be taxpayers like you. See where I'm getting at? Lower crime rates, more tax money to fight it.... nice huh? Oh and about one of your analogies; the home invasion one. You forget that the DREAM Act will befenit those who have persued education despite the great disadvantages BUT are ALSO of GOOD MORAL CHARACTER, thus not criminals. You're taking the DREAM Act out of context here buddy. About your logic for justifying you comment, "After all, good or bad, your first move, was to break in"; once again you took the DREAM Act out of context since the kids that it will benefit would need to have been here for at least 5 years and the truth is that most have been here most their lives, as I have, so if we assume that they were brought here as children we can say that they did not 'break in' willingly, they were brought in, and cannot classify them as criminals, as you insinuate. I know you'll say, ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law. I agree, but they were children who had no say on the matter so why should they be punished rather than rewarded for their academic success. You're putting their parents' mistakes on them? How ignorant can you be? They have only done the best they can out of the situation. Plus, these kids who show application to education are most likely not the criminal type. Also, for your information illegal immigrants can apply for TIN (Tax Identification Numbers) which they can use to fill out taxes, yet get no returns on them. So they contribute more than you think. Your argument about illegal immigrants not paying for basic services such as ambulances, police, firemen, etc... once again I tell you: If they were granted conditional residency they would pay for all those things. They would be able to get health insurance, pay taxes for policemen, etc. They would be required to pay for these things during the processing period on the way to permanent legal residency. Logically, once they begin to pay for these they would, in most cases, continue to pay for these services. I mean, they are scared now of calling the cops, so I can guarantee you that they extremely limit using that service, even sometimes when they should for safety reasons. They also do not want to go to the doctor, and some don't even accept them, because they know they cannot pay for it, so their health problems progressively become worse; where's the humanity in that? They can't even get Medicaid or Medicare when they are either of age or below the poverty line because they are illegal. Hey at least you acknowledged the fact that illegal immigrants contribute some to roads thought the toll booths. You say that mostly legals pay for these services, that is true. But if you gave the educated children a chance with the DREAM Act they would be legals too and share in your expenses. It might even be better for this country since they will continue to use the benefits they take advantage of now, but would actually be contributing to pay for them. So, the amount of funding for these benefits would increase more greatly than their usage. I mean, if you do not get me by now Terry you should repeat, "Become legal, pay money," a few hundred times. You also make mention of the danger of giving criminals legalization and how we cannot assume decency in illegal immigrants. That's why they would have to pass a criminal background check with the DREAM Act. Wow, that wasn't very hard now was it?

I am in favor of the Dream Act. Children of illegal immigrants deserve a better life. It is better to invest in those children's education rightnow than to feed them for free for the rest of their and our lives; lets face it, they are not going anywhere. It would be foolish to have our next generation left behind uneducated. These are children of our future who will continue to run our country later. People who are oppose to this act do not realize the horrible consequences that they will bring to our American nation by not letting these unfortunate children get ahead in life. Our nation will suffer greatly if not granted education opportunities and a permenant status to these future citizens. There is a lot more to gain than to lose by granting these young people an opportunity of growth and proper development.



That was a good point, but it was delivered in a very horrible way. Stop making us all look bad, stop lowering your self to their level.


I think the Dream Act is an excellent idea for aspiring students who wish to have a higher education. America needs BRAIN GAIN, not Brain "drain," my friends! I am High School teacher and know some of these youngsters who find themselves in this type of situation, especially for an initial decision they themselves DID NOT MAKE. These young folks are excellent, "straight-A" students who DESERVE to be given the chance to go to a University and prove themselves and others their high intellectual abilities.

THUMBS UP for the DREAM ACT (S. 1545).

Wow, Dream Act certainly brought out some extremly good and interesting points from alot of poeple.

But I want to bring out on a point that allot of poeple have no idea about:

On September 2, 2003 the Christian Science Monitor (
published an article against a huge labor shortage in the US coming in just a few years.
Already, the goverment is seeing a few of these shortages in their ranks as many of their baby boomers began to retire. They currently have a campain looking for hispanics to fill these ranks. Other occupations, such as nursing have begun to notice this issue.

See, this explanation is pure in demographics, and you may do some rearch on this if you want to, but as the baby boomers start transition out of the labor market, even if they work beyond traditional retirement age, there simply aren't as many younger workers to replace them.

In 10 years, available jobs could outnumber workers by 6.7 million, according to a new analysis by the nonprofit Employment Policy Foundation in Washington. By 2030, the gap could widen to 35 million.

Pretty long term, I know, but this may not begin to get noticed by a more public audience for another 3 years or so.
The economy is just beging to recover; and if it really picks up, we may have a problem sooner than expected.
Companies may have to look for personel outside of the US; perhaps, by moving their entire plants and offices out of the coutry; where labor is cheaper.

Some answers have come in the form of immigration laws. Perhaps we are seeing one of them here in the Dream Act. But apparently even this hits a nerve with alot of people.

So what else can be done to counter this issue?

I beg you all to do some research on this issue. I think it is most interesting. The desitions we make today affect our ineviatable tomorrow.

In my opinion, the DREAM Act helps the right people at the right time.
