I'm blogging live from Austin, Texas

I'm currently at a Boingo WiFi access point at Guadalupe and 41st. However, there's no foot traffic here, so I'm leaving in search of another place. Check back at around 2pm Central Time.

UPDATE: I'm now at Mojos Daily Grind at 2714 Guadalupe St. I'll be here until about 3:30pm or so.

UPDATE 2: There's not enough foot traffic here; I'm going to make my last attempt to do this at Quacks at 411 East 43rd Street. I'll update when I'm there.

UPDATE 3: Quacks, like the other places, is dead. Apparently the otherwise kind folks at the visitor center misunderstood me when I asked them to select a Boingo location with "lots of foot traffic." So, so much for Austin. See the next entry for my Austin summary.