When they come for the cat people, let's not do anything

If you can spare a 400k download, check out this movie.

I suggest we start requiring cats to be licensed, so we can conduct a roundup of their "parents" at an opportune time.

The video is from the makers of the CatSeat:

Man's product seeks to potty train cats

OKLAHOMA CITY - An invention by a man seeks to eliminate litter box odor by toilet training household cats. As head of Evolve Products, manufacturer of The Feline Evolution CatSeat, Kevin Rymer accepted an award Monday from a national trade magazine...

Rymer says the CatSeat attempts to wean cats off litter. Shaped like a regular toilet seat, it is attached to a box with retractable shelves that are textured to replace the feel of litter.

Eventually, the device can be mounted to the toilet, where a push of the button allows it to be used by people.

The company quotes doctors and veterinarians as saying there are no health risks associated with cats and people sharing the same toilet.