Antonio Villaraigosa: "let's face it. Is anyone excited about electing John Kerry...?"

The BoiFromTroy attended a California League of Conservation Voters meeting last night, and here's what he says Antonio Villaraigosa said:

"After all, let's face it. Is anyone excited about electing John Kerry or do you really want to defeat George Bush?"

As you'll recall, Antonio Villaraigosa is Kerry's Campaign Co-Chairman...

Of course, Villaraigosa is also the former president of the racial separatist and nationalistic organization MEChA.

Just don't expect the quote or his past affiliations to appear in the LAT or the WaPo, both of whom were in attendance at the meeting. I wasn't there either and I can't verify if the Boi got the quote right. Perhaps another attendee can verify what he said since the mainstream press probably wouldn't cover it even if he said something worse...

(Via LAObserved)