Welcome open borders apologists!

Dear open borders apologists:

Could you please go read "What is it about Mexicans?" by Salvador Reza of the "Tonatierra human rights group" and then come back here so I can ask you some questions?


Welcome back!

I'm not going to concentrate on the race-baiting, the lies, or the false attributions of hatred to those who simply seek to reduce illegal immigration.

No, I'd just like to ask if you think the ideas expressed in that article fly in the face of your continual statements that today's massive wave of immigration is just like prior waves.

Can you imagine an Italian or other prior immigrant writing this?

Maybe being Mexican is the realization that we have been part of this land way before Hernan Cortes trampled "Americas" sacred lands. The realization that we have traversed the imaginary border thousands of years before some lunatic thought of borders.

Being Mexican is to know consciously or unconsciously that we will never be "Anglos," yet, we will be willing to share our lands with the Euro-American, learn his language, and communicate with him. It is knowing there are certain cultural traits that we will never change to please the newly arrived European pilgrims...

With laws some will continue to try to carve us into their own image or eject us beyond the dividing imaginary line...

Can you imagine an Italian or prior immigrant assuming that the U.S. border is just an "imaginary line"?