Vote for this site in the Weblogs Awards

Please vote for this site here.

And, please also vote for our sister site in this category.

I note that those sites in the Best "Humor"/Comics Blog (quotes added) category are a bit... broad in their humor. For something quite a bit more subtle, check out my Huffington Post satire. It did not make the cut.

And, even more annoying, another of my sites did not make the cut for the Best New Blog category: That has almost 1000 extensively-tagged posts about the topic and contains more information on it than probably any other single source.

As for the other categories, here are our selections:

Top 250: The Indepundit (only because the rest are bad)

500-1500: Digger's Realm

As for the other ecosystem categories, use your best judgment, because I've never heard of most of them.

Best conservative: I note that both PoliPundit and BlogsForBush are choices. Should you vote for them in order to discredit the Awards? Or, should you vote for someone else to make the Awards look good? Use your best judgment, but if the latter I'd say Debbie Schlussel since she's got two nice big blogs.

Best Liberal: No one on this list would make the Awards look good, thus the question becomes, who will do the most to discredit the Awards? While Wonkette is a solid choice in that category, I believe AmericaBlog is working the hardest at discrediting its side.

Best Media: I'd say 'Oh, That Liberal Media' on the name alone.

Best Group: The leader in the discrediting category would be the lunatic liberaltarian site Reason, followed by Pandagon. But, I'd suggest MensNewsDaily.

Best New Blog: As previously discussed, Atlas Shrugs would be a fine choice in the discrediting department. But, I'm not familiar with any of the others.

Best Blog: Far and away, the Huffington Post.


I hate trolls. I've had a few stumble upon my site, too. Best of luck to ya. I hope to win, but am enjoying visiting the competition.

Who the fuck would vote for this piece of shit garbage you call a "blog." It's just full of stupidity and things they throw people in mental asylums for.

"... she has two nice big blogs." Is that what they call them nowadays?

Like I did in 2003 (though on like the last day), and like I didn't do last year, I plan to do an entry about this contest, with ballot recommendations. 'Lonewacko' will be on there. Congratulations on being a finalist (I see that your was the first weblog nominated - and it was even seconded!), and good luck in the contest!