How the "California Hispanics vote suppression" story will end

raw story trustworthy

Several Orange County CA Hispanics have received a letter (written in Spanish) telling them in part:

"You are advised that if your residence in this country is illegal or you are an immigrant, voting in a federal election is a crime that could result in jail time..."

The AP version of this story has received wide distribution, even as far as France. However, the fullest treatment is that from the Los Angeles Times' Jennifer Delson in "State Investigating Intimidating Letter Sent to O.C. Latinos".

At times like these, it's best to do not as the MSM does and ask, "cui bono?" If anything, this letter will encourage Hispanics to vote, and who profits from such a GOTV effort? Could this be a "false flag operation", with the letter actually having been sent by a Democratic Party operative or supporter or just a regular old supporter of illegal immigration? That possibility can't be denied, but it's one that the Los Angeles Times doesn't explore. (For an example, Karl Rove reportedly did something similar a few decades ago; search for 'letterhead' here.)

The letterhead resembles that of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform, a group that advocates tightening the border, among other things. But the group's founder, Barbara Coe, said she believed it was fraudulent. She said she did not know the person who signed the letter, "Sergio Ramirez," that she did not authorize it and was unaware of anyone in her group who did... [the letter] does not have the group's logo - an outline of the state of California - but has a variation of an eagle logo used on the group's website.

While there's certainly the possibility that the CCIR or an illegal immigration opponent inspired by the CCIR sent out the letter, based on who's trying to profit from the letter I tend to suspect that this was sent out by someone who wanted to both smear CCIR and encourage Hispanics to vote.

And, it's also questionable whether the part of the letter quoted above is false or not. Can "immigrants" really vote? That is, once someone becomes a naturalized citizen, are they no longer an "immigrant"? Aren't they more correctly refered to as a "naturalized citizen who used to be an immigrant"?

Needless to say, the Los Angeles Times (readers.rep *at* doesn't consider those points, prefering to take things at face value.

Those up in arms include MALDEF and Sen. Gloria Romero (D-Los Angeles). And, state Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer (a Democrat) is investigating.

If this letter turns out to have been sent by an illegal immigration opponent, expect them to be tried and sentenced on live television broadcast around the world. If, however, it turns out to have been sent out by an illegal immigration supporter, expect it to be quietly swept under the rug.

UPDATE: There's a barely-legible supposed picture of the letter here. Gosh, it sure looks like this letter is being used as a GOTV tool. I wonder who could have sent it out?


Several Orange County CA Hispanics have received a letter...

That many, huh?