Fight the AgJobs amnesty (precursor to full amnesty)

As previously discussed, yesterday various amnesty supporters in the House and Senate reintroduced the AgJobs bill that would give amnesty to up to 1.5 million illegal alien farmworkers. In addition to the names previously mentioned:
Last year's chairman of the House immigration subcommittee, Indiana Republican John Hostetler, staunchly opposed guest-worker bills. He was not re-elected in November. This year's immigration panel chair, California Democrat Zoe Lofgren, explicitly supports the agricultural guest-worker legislation.

Likewise, the skeptical GOP chairman of the House Judiciary Committee โ€” James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin โ€” has been replaced by a sympathetic Democrat, Rep. John Conyers of Michigan.
And, those behind the current push are apparently working on full "comprehensive immigration reform" akin to last year's Senate bill. Please contact all your representatives and urge them to oppose AgJobs, whether alone or included in a broader amnesty.