Mel Martinez, Republican National Committee Chair: the upside

The Republican National Committee natives are restless about Bush's nomination of illegal alien amnesty proponent Mel Martinez to be the "general chairman" of the RNC. The vote will be tomorrow, and the reader might consider contacting their local Republican parties and suggesting votes against the Senator.

On the other hand, if Martinez becomes chairman the GOP will be led by those explicitly in favor of massive immigration of whatever kind, and, combined with the Democrats' stances that might lead to the formation of a viable third party of the pro-American variety. And, it might greatly reduce the viability of those GOP hacks who, come election time, present the GOP as the lesser of two evils.

Martinez was originally just to be the "honorary chairman", but that's since been changed to a title not included in the RNC rules. Because of that - as well as the fact that Martinez is not an RNC member - opponents plan a parliamentary challenge, and will even have an "independent certified parliamentarian" on hand to make sure the rules are followed. If they aren't, legal action might take place.


Restless? What an understatement. Why not just appoint Calderon to head the RNC? Heck why not make Calderon the U.S. president too? He wouldn't be any different from Martinez, or the one we're stuck with now. The RNC is beyond clueless, "staying the course" in support of traitors, heading for even more defeats in 08. Hey Tancredo, Hunter, Dobbs or Buchanan, run for office as an independent, the republican party is toast.