Tamar Jacoby now Los Angeles Times contributing editor

The lider of the editorial board of the Los Angeles Times, Andres Martinez, has announced changes to their lineup. Some, such as CFRer Max Boot are out; some, such as Gregory Rodriguez, remain; and there are some new contributing editors [1] including:

* Tamar Jacoby. What more needs to be said?

* Gustavo Arellano of the OC Weekly. He's a former MEChA member and an apologist for that group. See also NCLR acting in the same role and referencing him. From our side.

* Timothy Garton Ash. I have absolutely no idea who he is, but he has three names, so he must be important. He also won the "George Orwell Prize for political writing", so he should be quite rightfitting with the LATimes.

* Denise Dresser. A "Reforma" columnist from Mexico; I think I've seen her on TV but I don't know how virulent a supporter of massive immigration she is.

* Sergio Munoz. Executive editor of La Opinion, a pro-illegal immigration rag run by Monica Lozano.

* Lawrence Summers, formerly of Harvard.

* Arianna Huffington, reporting from Brentwood.

[1] laobserved.com/archive/2007/03/new_oped_lineup_at_lat.php

Tamar Jacoby: "Stop chasing that busboy"

Tamar Jacoby reiterates pro-busboy, pro-gardener stance


Timonthy Garton Ash is very bad news. He's a British globalist, socialist and multiculturalist. His loyalty is to globalism and multiculturalism, not to the sovereign nation state. With the exception of Lawrence Summers the rest of the new line-up is rather terrifying. Gustavo Arellano is an out-and-out raza racist who uses terms like "gabacho" liberally in his column. Tamar Jacoby, ugh. A total whore for the Mexcian government.

In honor of her appointment to the editorial board, try your hand (if you dare) at The Tamar Jacoby Drinking Game. Each time she uses the word 'reality' or 'realistic' (to describe her side) or 'unrealistic' or 'ugly' (to describe your side) one must drink. Whenever the 'mass deportation' straw man is trotted out, drink. The Prohibition analogy? Take a shot. Dubious claims of whopping economic benefits, e.g., '[I]f there'd been no immigrants in the past decade, the U.S. economy would have grown by less than half as much as it did.' Drink. Same with any flipside claim of total economic collapse if the flood were to slow. And double drink bonus topic: the border agent story of the next 9/11 happening while he's chasing a prospective busboy. Warning: high risk of alcohol poisoning if you play beyond one editorial.

The Times is a sinking ship [1], which normally rats jump off.

[1] www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1395377/posts