Resolute Michael Chertoff vows to do something about sanctuary cities

In a performance no doubt worthy of the over-acting evident in professional wrestling, DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff vows to do something about those cities with sanctuary policies. He vowed to enforce the new no-match requirements (Basic Pilot Program):
Mr. Chertoff told the House Homeland Security Committee: "I certainly wouldn't tolerate interference" by cities who attempt to block the program.

"We're exploring our legal options," Mr. Chertoff said. "I intend to take as vigorous legal action as the law allows to prevent that from happening, prevent that kind of interference."
Sounds good so far! Of course, he then went on to say:
"I don't know that I have the authority to cut off all Homeland Security funds if I disagree with the city's policy on immigration... And of course, I have to say the consequence of that might be to put the citizens at risk, you know, in the event of a natural disaster... I don't want to put people's lives at risk, but I do think where the law gives me the power to prevent anybody from interfering with our activities, we will use the law to prevent that interference."


It would seem to me that threat of prosecution of city officials by the Attorney General for aiding an abetting illegal immigration would be the best route to go, but then we would have a real AG for that job.

There is already a federal law specifically prohibiting sanctuary policies. If they were really serious, not only would they start enforcing it by throwing city officials in prison, they'd find out who was responsible for not enforcing it all this time and throw them in prison too.

He doesn't want to put citizens at risk. Therefore he won't do anything about the invasion. Good God.

"Sounds good so far", because thats as far as it ever goes. Sound. All talk. Get a clue, Chertoff. Hasn't the government said over and over that immigration is a federal matter? That means you. Therefore any city immigration policy in violation of federal law, is fair game. By the way, as thousands of Americans are dying every year at the hands of our cheerful little colonists, the question of "risk" is a moot point. Agree with above posts. Start with a little jail time for city officials. And do feel free to cut off those funds. Do it now. The risk has already been assumed by those cities. Defiance of federal law in proclaiming their sanctuary status means that they alone bear the responsibility of their decisions. And President Calderon has even given you a big tip, admitting his citizens are on the wrong side of the border. Listen to him. "Where there is a Mexican, there is Mexico". See how simple? See one, deport one. Now, stop talking, roll up your sleeves, and go get 'em! Sanctuary cities, first.

And the illegal immigration activists are now teaching crimialiens how to avoid the law...ANARCHY BY VIDEO!!