Los Angeles Times cost-saving measures released

The Los Angeles Times has released several cost-saving measures they'll be undergoing to deal with declining circulation:

* Patt Morrisson will auction past hats off on eBay (wait, it gets better).

* Their "Reader's Rep" will be replaced with an email address that no one reads.

* Selected stories about celebrities will be outsourced to those celebrities' publicists.

* Something about wikis replacing their current blogs or something. Maybe Michael Kinsley has some ideas.

* The City Hall beat will be written by Tony Villar's office.

* All stories about protests will be outsourced to ANSWER.

* All stories about immigration will be outsourced to the Los Angeles Mexican consulate.

There, that ought to do it.

BOY AM I EMBARRASSED UPDATE: I just realized that the date on the LAT's press release announcing the changes was September 6, 1997, not 2007.


They won't need that guero rag at all once "diversification" is complete.