Phoenix mayor Phil Gordon uses MLK speech to promote trackable 'work visas'

Intellectually dishonest illegal immigration supporter Janet Murguia of the NCLR isn't alone in trying to tie illegal immigration in to the Civil Rights movement. Another instance occurred in Phoenix, Arizona on Friday at the Martin Luther King Jr. "Living the Dream" awards breakfast, featuring appearances by governor Janet Napolitano and Phil Gordon, mayor of Phoenix. News report here, and from his speech (link)
Recently, right here in Phoenix a uniformed United States marine -- a man who fought for his country -- was told by "pretend patriots", that he was a disgrace to his uniform -- and that it was a shame he didn't die in the war. Moments later, a woman and her young daughter -- both American citizens -- were intimidated by these same people. Why the anger at a United States Marine? Or a mother and daughter?

Because all three were Hispanic. That's the only reason. This wasn't about citizenship it was about color. This wasn't about green cards. It was about brown skin.
Needless to say, we don't know the details of the case because Gordon doesn't provide footnotes, and there might have been other factors involved. It also goes without saying that such incidents are quite rare and if not for that incident Gordon would have had to stretch to find something similar.

Then, he goes on:
So in the spirit of Dr. King, let us make our voices heard.

Let Congress know that reforming immigration in this country IS their responsibility. Tell them to enact a practical and effective immigration policy that provides new, trackable "Work Visas" for millions of honest, hard-working people who help strengthen our country -- and grow our economy.

Tell Congress NOT to wait another year. Tell Congress not to wait another day.

That's what I'm doing. I'm getting on a plane next Tuesday and I'm walking the halls of Congress. And whether I have an appointment or not -- I'll be knocking on as many doors as I can -- and telling every Member of Congress I can find:

And, if local laws allow it, I urge resident of Phoenix to start a recall campaign. If not that, go to his public appearances and point out any lies and misleading statements he makes, and then publicize that on video sharing sites and similar.


How long are we going to allow these anti American blow hards to continue to tell 80% of the population that we are racist, lazy, dependent on mexicans and that we are the problem, not the illegal invaders coming here by the millions every year, and making the racial divide that much worse. Funny we never had a latino problem until they invaded us? But naturally its our fault for not allowing more? Go screw yourself MR. Gordon. Vote the bum out.

if Dr.King was alive today he would not be a happy person, this BS Will only stop when we have no country and live inside some police state and that is why 40 million illegals are here to help in the making of a new world order that will be a third world ideals. by the way its happening in front of you right now the making of the third world here and now and most can't see it happening; how sad.

'in the spirit of Dr. King' Invoking MLK's spirit for a cheap labor scheme? Barf! Needless to say it's nauseating to claim in the name of a civil rights icon something which is antithetical to democracy, egalitarianism, and social justice. Among other bad things, guest worker programs are exploitative, foster inequality, discourage integration, lower wages and working conditions, and increase the number of undocumented workers in the U.S. By definition, they disfranchise people and thus are inherently undemocratic.