
bilderberg: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

An effective way to oppose Bilderberg in less than five minutes - 05/29/14

There are plenty of hard and/or ineffective ways to oppose the Bilderberg conference. Instead, I'll describe something you can do in less than five minutes that - if enough people joined in - would have a measurable impact. The goal of this approach is to make Bilderberg toxic to some degree. That is, leaders wouldn't want to be caught attending one of their meetings. Wouldn't that go a long way towards reducing Bilderberg influence?

Obama administration briefs Bilderberg group on foreign and economic policy - 05/26/09

No, really. Bilderberg - a group that just a few short years ago was presented by the MSM as a tinfoil hat topic - has gone mainstream. Kenneth Vogel of the Politico - seen here "debunking" some "myths" in order to assist the Barack Obama campaign - offers "Obama officials gave Bilderberg briefings" ( A handful of high-ranking Obama administration officials this month delivered private briefings at the annual invitation-only conference held by an elite international organization known as the Bilderberg group. The closed meeting of some of the most...

Kenneth Vogel /Politico mocks concerns over Bilderberg group - 03/15/09

Kenneth Vogel of the Politico - last discussed here for smearing Jerome Corsi - offers "Bilderbergers excite conspiracists" (politico . com/news/stories/0309/20010.html).

Intellectually dishonest James Kirchick - 01/08/08

James Kirchick of the New Republic - home of the odious Jason Zengerle - offers "Angry White Man/The bigoted past of Ron Paul", an attempt by the Beltway establishment to sink his candidacy by revealing excerpts from his old newsletters. Apparently much or all of it was ghostwritten, and the campaign tries to portray him as a (per Kirchick) "naive, absentee overseer, with minimal knowledge of what his underlings were doing on his behalf". To a good extent that doesn't wash, and many of the quotes provided are indeed very questionable in and of themselves. (The Ron Paul campaign responds to...

Rudy Giuliani + UN + David Rockefeller + CFR + Trilateral Commission + Bilderberg Group - 11/10/07

Holy Globalism! It was like a tinfoil festival as sometime in the 90s (perhaps July 16, 1994), Rudy Giuliani presented an award to David Rockefeller at a meeting of the Business Council for the United Nations [1].

NAU apologists - 11/24/06

[List below updated 12/11/07] Recently, Rep. Tom Tancredo was quoted as saying this: "People have to understand what we're talking about here. The president of the United States is an internationalist... He is going to do what he can to create a place where the idea of America is just that – it's an idea. It's not an actual place defined by borders. I mean this is where this guy is really going... I know this is dramatic – or maybe somebody would say overly dramatic – but I'm telling you, that everything I see leads me to believe that this whole idea of the North American Union, it's not...