secret service

secret service: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Dana Milbank/WaPO lied about Secret Service; may have lied about "kill him" - 10/18/08

Showing once again that it's the dumb ones that give the game away, on the 16th Dana Milbank of the Washington Post claimed the following during an online chat: In cooperation with the Palin campaign, [the Secret Service has] started preventing reporters from leaving the press section to interview people in the crowd. As could be expected, various "liberal" sites rushed to retransmit Milbank's claim; for instance it got almost 1000 comments at the HuffPost ( However, the Secret Service denies that there's such cooperation...

Jeff Bercovici, ThinkProgress spread anti-Rush Limbaugh smear (Antonio Villaraigosa) - 05/06/08

Yesterday on his show, Rush Limbaugh said this about an event where he ran into Bill Clinton and someone else: I shook his hand, he left, comes back, the mayor of Los Angeles, I thought it was a Secret Service agent, maybe a shoeshine guy. Turns out he gives me his card, I said, "Oh, my gosh, it's the mayor of Los Angeles." I stood up, I said, "Hello, Mr. Villaraigosa." The evil airheads at ThinkProgress claim this is an "Ethnically-Charged Insult" (, when in fact it appears to have another explanation. I don't know whether Rush has...