
ufcw: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Dozens of pro-illegal immigration groups were invited to Obama's mini-amnesty rollout and you weren't - 08/25/11

On August 18, Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security announced an administrative amnesty that could cover 300,000 or more illegal aliens.

United Food and Commercial Workers Union calls off Arizona boycott - 09/24/10

The United Food and Commercial Workers Union - UFCW - had been part of the movement to boycott Arizona over their new immigration law. They've now withdrawn from that movement (link), with a Local president saying: "I hope Ms. Brewer joins the call to 'tone it down' and help create solutions for both border security and immigration reform... It is now time for calm, reasoned discussion that can move forward to first secure our borders, while designing a workable, humane plan to finally reform our nation’s immigration laws." The "call to 'tone it down'" followed Jan Brewer pointing out that...

ACLU, SEIU, MALDEF, NAACP, UFCW, NILC sue to block Arizona immigration law (two Mexico links) - 05/17/10

A group of far-left illegal immigration supporters - including the American Civil Liberties Union, a group that's directly collaborating with the Mexican government - filed a suit today to block the Arizona immigration law from going into effect.

NCLR, LULAC, SEIU, UFCW, etc. launch boycott of Arizona over immigration law (+Al Sharpton) - 05/06/10

A whole host of far-left illegal immigration profiteers today launched an organized boycott of Arizona over that state's new immigration law (nclr.org/content/news/detail/63211). See the last link for our extensive coverage of that law, and see each of the following links for our coverage of the groups. Those participating include:

March for America: illegal immigration rally, March 21, 2010 Washington DC - 02/12/10

On March 21, 2010, yet another pro-illegal immigration march will be held in Washington DC, this sponsored ultimately by the far-left National Council of Churches [1]. The next day they'll apparently be conducting a lobbying effort, sending attendees to speak to their representatives (presumably illegal aliens will take a pass on that event). The march is associated with Ecumenical Advocacy Days, a mini-convention focusing this year on the topic of "Migration". One of the speakers will be Frank Sharry. More on EAD at advocacydays.org/about, and more on the march as it develops. Other groups...

Department of Labor, UFCW collaborating with Mexican government, enabling illegal immigration - 08/31/09

From a UFCW press release: The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) is proud to partner with the Embassy of Mexico, the U.S. Department of Labor and allied organizations to promote the first "Semana de Derechos Laborales", or Labor Rights Week, UFCW International President Joe Hansen joined the Mexican Consul General of Chicago, Manuel RodrΓ­guez Arriaga, to launch the national outreach and education program that is taking place in thirteen cities across the country. They refer to "Mexican national workers", but make clear that they're including illegal aliens in that...

George Soros gives $5 million to push Obamacare (HCAN, NCLR, ACORN, SEIU, etc...) - 08/11/09

George Soros has contributed $5 million to the group Health Care For America Now (healthcareforamericanow.org) so that they can push Obamacare. That's dwarfed by the $35 million he's giving to help/"help" children in New York (in partnership with the federal government, [1]). As discussed here, HCAN is considered a bit on the wimpy side by the far-left, such as Jane Hamsher. That's despite HCAN including some true "liberal" stalwarts. Their steering committee includes the following: * ACORN * AFL CIO * American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) * Campaign for...

Patrick McDonnell /LAT ignores plight of American workers; fails to note Schey's Mexico links; fails to call UFCW on corruption - 06/12/09

Patrick McDonnell of the Los Angeles Times offers "Computer 'raid' in Vernon leaves factory workers devastated" (link) about a "desktop" immigration raid at Overhill Farms in

Agriprocessors meat packing raid, Postville, Iowa (kosher, UFCW) - 05/12/08

Somewhere from a few hundred to 700 or more persons were arrested in Postville, Iowa earlier today as part of an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid of the Agriprocessors meat packing plant in the town. That plant produces kosher meat and is owned by the Rubashkin family, Hasidic Jews from New York; this page has more details on the culture clash after the bought the plant and seem to have gained a great deal of power in the town.

March 10 Committee - 10/30/07

Also known as the March 10 Movement, March 10 Coalition, Diez de Marzo Committee. Home page at movimiento10demarzo.org At their site, they declare their unconditional support for Elvira Arellano as well as all other "immigrants" who are in the process of being deported. They also call on all those immigrants who are being deported to apply for asylum and to seek asylum in local churches. They also oppose employer sanctions and programs to check the SSNs of employees.

Immigrant rights activists gather in Chicago - 08/17/07

Socialist Worker/Lee Sustar/[[August 25, 2006]]/ link

September 1 Chicago march - 02/26/07

A small group of illegal immigration supporters walked the 42 to 50 miles (reports vary) from Chicago's Chinatown (meant to symbolize that we're a nation of immigrants) to Dennis Hastert's office in Batavia, Illinois. It took them four days, starting [[September 1, 2006]] and finishing [[September 4, 2006]]. Only "around 3000" showed up for the final rally. AKA the "Immigrant Workers Justice Walk".

Latino Leaders Protest Rahm Emanuel - 02/26/07

[[Progressive Democrats of America]]//[[February 26th, 2007]]/ link This is a press release printed/reprinted at their site: Latino Leaders Protest In Front of the Most Powerful Democrat in the Nation today, Rahm Emanuel To Request an Immediate Moratorium on the Deportations

Hundreds Meet to Launch New Immigrant Rights Alliance - 02/20/07

Socialist Action/Jason Cain & Wayne McElyea/September 2006/ link Reveals that "a number of delegates" to the National Immigrant Rights Strategy Convention had "close ties" to Mexico's PRD party. Rep. Luis Gutierrez - a member of the U.S. Democratic Party - attended and spoke at that convention.

Coalition vows to defeat harsh immigration bill [HR 4437] - 01/20/06

From this: A U.S. coalition of business, labor unions and religious groups launched a campaign on Thursday to defeat a bill backed by Republicans that would turn some 11 million illegal immigrants into felons. The coalition of 24 organizations, many of which rarely agree on politics or economics, denounced the bill passed by the House of Representatives last month and called on the Senate to enact legislation to include a guest worker program and a path for illegal aliens to gain legal status. ..."We are extremely disappointed with the proposal that passed the House last month," said...