voice of america

voice of america: Page 1

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Tim Belay/VOA News presents illegal immigration-supporting side of Postville story - 05/18/09

Tim Belay of the federally-funded Voice of America - offers "Postville Marks Immigration Raid Anniversary with Reflection, Optimism" (link).

SPP North American Leaders Summit April 21, 22 in New Orleans - 04/20/08

The fourth annual "North American Leaders Summit" - part of the Security and Prosperity Partnership started by George Bush - will be held Monday and Tuesday in New Orleans and will be attended by Bush, Felipe Calderon of Mexico, and Stephen Harper of Canada. Expect the news reports about the event to be credulous. Speaking of which, Norma Greenaway of the Canwest News Service/Ottawa Citizen offers this: The annual leaders' gathering, popularly referred to as the Amigos Summit, is being held against the backdrop of a gripping race for the U.S. presidency where the North American Free Trade...

SPLC's "The Year in Hate" misled about FBI hate crime statistics - 03/31/08

Earlier this month the Southern Poverty Law Center - a group indirectly linked to the Mexican government - released a report entitled "The Year in Hate", which continued their attempt to shut down debate about immigration matters. Per the AP: