Tweets to David Ratliff 🐻

David Ratliff 🐻's avatar
Twitter handle: 
David Ratliff 🐻
Chicago, IL
Photographer, opined bloviator, artist, carpenter, engineer, lover, and tech-geek. This is for sharing less photo-specific posts.
Tweets to this user:
Celine D. Ryan's avatar
From @celinedryan
Remember when the media tried to take down Trump by saying he looked directly at the sun?
David Ratliff 🐻's avatar
From @1ChicagoDave
@celinedryan @realjuliasong There are literally enough stories like this to post a new one each day for 3+ years.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Ryan would strongly oppose MSM doing what I want: calling *all* pols on the huge flaws in their plans. Like how Trump's ban wasn't needed or endangered USA. MT @1ChicagoDave [itd] MT @celinedryan [MSM "tried to take down Trump by saying he looked directly at the sun"]