Tweets to AmericanFreedomParty

AmericanFreedomParty's avatar
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United States
The American Freedom Party (AFP) is both a political party and activist organization dedicated to the interests and concerns of European-American communities.
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
The racism aside, @American3rdP was originally a Third Way group that was more like where most Americans actually are on economics (like the Dems) & on Kultur (like Buchanan). Then, they glommed onto the #Teaparty movement & now on economics they sound like #Koch. #MAGA #resist
Jack Posobiec's avatar
From @JackPosobiec
Horrifying video showing Instagram user @CashBently harassing teenagers for wearing MAGA hats
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I think I vaguely remember hearing about that in passing. Not like #CovCath. Why, it's almost like you & @american3rdp are completely incompetent. MT @JackPosobiec Horrifying video showing Instagram user CashBently harassing teenagers for wearing MAGA hats
AmericanFreedomParty's avatar
From @American3rdP
Socialism rising: Universities and ‘radical’ profs helping steer leftward shift in politics, critics say  …
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Going #Teaparty has warped what little mind you ever had. How about a Third Way between #MAGA fascistic, deranged idiocy & #TheResistance fascistic, deranged idiocy? MT @American3rdP Socialism rising: Universities and ‘radical’ profs helping steer leftward shift in politics