Tweets to annie van leur

annie van leur's avatar
Twitter handle: 
annie van leur
Michigan, USA / University of Michigan alumna
Happiness is wind direction….and water under the bridge. Existentialist and Biocentrist
Tweets to this user:
S.V. Dáte's avatar
From @svdate
Reminder that “BIG TARIFFS” are actually “BIG TAXES.” On Americans. China does not pay our tariffs. American impo…
Joseph Britt's avatar
From @Zathras3
@svdate This public taunting will go over badly in Beijing.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Indeed. Carla A. Hills & various Koch hacks warned us about that when Dems opposed their NeoLiberal moves. The Koch bros know best! MT @svdate Reminder that “BIG TARIFFS” are actually “BIG TAXES.” On Americans. China does not pay our tariffs. American importers and consumers do.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Zathras3 @annievanleur: there's no difference between what @svdate says at the "liberal" HuffPost now & what NeoLiberal hacks (Carla A. Hills, those paid by the Koch bros, etc.) said years ago about free trade (and still say now). Don't let Trump make you stooges for Big Biz.