Tweets to πŸ–₯⌨ Barnacules Nerdgasm πŸ–±β˜•

πŸ–₯⌨ Barnacules Nerdgasm πŸ–±β˜•'s avatar
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πŸ–₯⌨ Barnacules Nerdgasm πŸ–±β˜•
Seattle, WA
Producer of Barnacules Nerdgasm YouTube channel & Twitch Morning Coffee Live Stream Series. I also Co-Host #TechTalk v2.0 with @AuxxZillary. Let's Get Nerdy!
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πŸ–₯⌨ Barnacules Nerdgasm πŸ–±β˜•'s avatar
From @Barnacules
Wow, did @realDonaldTrump really sign 2 executive orders already on his first day? And one of them raises homeowners rates? #Facepalm
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MT @Barnacules Wow, did @realDonaldTrump really sign 2 executive orders already on his first day? And one of them raises homeowners rates?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Barnacules: list all the things loudest Trump opponents did to keep him from doing things like that: