Tweets to Brian Tyler Cohen

Brian Tyler Cohen's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Brian Tyler Cohen
Los Angeles
Political host. Half a billion views on YouTube & Facebook. Past: managing editor @OccupyDemocrats. Instagram @briantylercohen.
Tweets to this user:
Brian Tyler Cohen's avatar
From @briantylercohen
@jack See how easy? And he didn’t even have to be humiliated by @AOC.
Doug Richar's avatar
From @drichar
@briantylercohen @jack @AOC You don't think @jack was watching that?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Jack heavily censors dissent across the world; he heavily censors liberals replying to Trump officials. Do you stand with him in that or oppose him censoring millions? MT @drichar [cheers] MT @briantylercohen [cheers Twitter now not allowing political ads]