Tweets to Bryce Tache 🇺🇸

Bryce Tache 🇺🇸's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Bryce Tache 🇺🇸
Minneapolis, MN
My #LGBT, multiracial, immigrant family is #TheResistance. I value equality, inclusion & empathy. I love my kids, husband & mutt. #BlueWave2018
Tweets to this user:
Linda Marks's avatar
From @LindaMarkss
RT @brycetache: Can the press just stop pretending Trump knows anything about trade? Or foreign policy? Or immigration? Or national securit…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
You could shame MSM hacks into asking Trump proxies tough policy questions as I've wanted for 2.5+ years. So, when will you? MT @LindaMarkss RT @brycetache: Can the press just stop pretending Trump knows anything about trade? Or foreign policy? Or immigration?...