Tweets to Writer of Stuff

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Writer of Stuff
Northern California
Recovering attorney, writer, and genre fiction fan. The most normal person I know.
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@Tazatator: @RedNationRising supports corporate socialism: Perry is paying a corporation $10k per job. Who knew RNR is a Red? #tcot #tgdn
Word Monger's avatar
From @Tazatator
I live in Ca., and you're gonna tell me about corruption @24AheadDotCom? U R Hilarious. @RedNationRising don't laugh too hard.
Red Nation Rising's avatar
From @RedNationRising
@Tazatator I was born and raised in California! Escaped To the free state of Oklahoma. @24AheadDotCom
Writer of Stuff's avatar
From @Chandlej
.@RedNationRising Sure, rub it in, Bitch... @Tazatator @24AheadDotCom
Word Monger's avatar
From @Tazatator
bum deal, @Chandlej lucky~> @RedNationRising Ducky~>@24AheadDotCom