Tweets to Chris Kelley For US Congress

Chris Kelley For US Congress's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Chris Kelley For US Congress
Minneapolis, MN
Candidate for Minnesota’s 5th CD against Ilhan Omar, Husband & Father, US Army Veteran, Minneapolis Police Officer, Independence-Alliance Endorsed #ChrisForMN
Tweets to this user:
Chris Kelley For US Congress's avatar
From @ChrisKelleyMN
It would appear there may have been foul play in the Duluth synagogue fire. This is extremely disturbing, and a re…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Now, see 4:35 et seq. Or, just watch the whole thing & compare it to Trump. MT @ChrisKelleyMN ...In America, nobody should fear to practice their Faith in public!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ChrisKelleyMN: undercut both Ilhan *and* Trump by pointing out the huge flaws in Trump's Muslim ban. Either he ramped up screening enough to keep USA safe (& his ban wasn't needed) or he made USA less safe. Targeting one religion is bad & ineffective; keeping USA safe isn't.