Tweets to Lynn Coleman #Resist 🌊 πŸ†˜οΈ πŸ”„

Lynn Coleman #Resist 🌊 πŸ†˜οΈ πŸ”„'s avatar
Twitter handle: 
Lynn Coleman #Resist 🌊 πŸ†˜οΈ πŸ”„
Spokane, WA
PTR Certified Teaching Pro, Granny, Doxie Mom, Ninja. #PRU #AmericansFindTrumpGuilty #tennis #resist #Blue2020 #strongertogether #ImpeachedandNotExonerated
Tweets to this user:
Lynn Coleman #Resist 🌊 πŸ†˜οΈ πŸ”„'s avatar
From @ColemanLynn05
RT @LMLoveExists: Please I’m asking for a review and reversal of my good friend’s account @SarahLies4Trump Please️ I’m sure it’s a mista…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Those who only care about good friends are the friends of censors worldwide. You only oppose censorship when you oppose your enemies being censored. Be real liberals. MT @ColemanLynn05 MT @LMLoveExists [to Delbius] [help with my] good friend's account SarahLies4Trump