Tweets to Economic Policy Institute

Economic Policy Institute's avatar
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Economic Policy Institute
Washington DC
Nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank using the tools of economics for more than 30 years to defend and promote the interests of workers in economic policy debates.
Tweets to this user:
Economic Policy Institute's avatar
From @EconomicPolicy
The black unemployment rate is higher than its pre-recession level in 28 states.
Roy Beck's avatar
From @RoyBeck_NUSA
Still giant pool of workers MT @EconomicPolicy black unemployment rate higher than pre-recession level in 28 states.
🎶🎹ShArKy666🎹🎶's avatar
From @ykrahs666
@RoyBeck_NUSA @EconomicPolicy why wud anyone repeat those bogus numbers when over 93 MILLION arent working?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ykrahs666: job of @RoyBeck_NUSA is to stop amnesty. He's completely failed at his job through several big and small amnesties. #tcot #sgp
FieldRoamer's avatar
From @FieldRoamer
@RoyBeck_NUSA @EconomicPolicy Don't Janet Yellen and Obama talk about slackness in job market? She knows about it. Why doesn't he?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@FieldRoamer: I want to challenge Obama to his face on that. OTOH, @RoyBeck_NUSA is a fraudster: he takes in money under false pretenses.