Tweets to Paul Blair

Paul Blair's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Paul Blair
Freedom, liberty, and low taxation. Director of Strategic Initiatives @taxreformer. Is there something the government hasn’t screwed up? Go #Nats.
Tweets to this user:
Maggie Haberman's avatar
From @maggieNYT
“The conversation was typical of Mr. Trump’s approach to negative reactions to his policies or statements — never a…
Paul Blair's avatar
From @gopaulblair
@maggieNYT He was misled and the people he should have trusted to fully brief him neglected to include all relevant…
Yeri's avatar
From @Notonesecond
@maggieNYT Further proof that he has never had an official platform or agenda. His only concern is votes and green in his pocket
patrisha robertson's avatar
From @fetchmesomecopy
@maggieNYT Don't do anything to upset the voters. Vaping to light bulbs...Policy by Campaigning.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MT @gopaulblair [Trump] was misled [re vape ban & those] he should have trusted to fully brief him neglected to include all relevant information. In fact they probably purposefully omitted some information that may have impacted his decision making. They are absolutely to blame
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gopaulblair: hey Paul, did Trump's response to Puerto Rico result in an exodus of Dem voters from PR to FL? That's a simple yes/no question. Imagine someone asked you it on video for Youtube. what would you answer?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump's released various official plans over the years. I've accurately described how they'd fail. As you show, your leaders didn't. RT @Notonesecond Further proof that [Trump] has never had an official platform or agenda. His only concern is votes and green in his pocket
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
And, @maggieNYT has always been there to help Trump. It's always been incredibly easy to show *his base* that his plans are vaporware. Haberman lacks that smart & patriotism to do that. Enabling her = helping Trump. MT @fetchmesomecopy [Trump's trying to avoid real issues]