Tweets to JacloPac

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Berkeley, CA
Jobs Americans Can Live On! A Nonprofit, Leveraging Washington via votes 2 end #wageinequality #corpwelfare & provide #livablewage legislation. Concordia
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JacloPac's avatar
From @JacloPac
#Trump's 'common-sense compromise' on immigration to end the government shutdown isn't a compromise at all.…
Be Smarter Media!'s avatar
From @egailtweets
@JacloPac @businessinsider He's a con-artist whose 'con' is wearing out! #BoyFromQueens
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@egailtweets @JacloPac: it'd be smart to point out to Trump's base & proxies that unless they openly oppose Trump's amnesty, they're amnesty fans. Force them to choose between Trump & being known as amnesty fans. That'd really put Trump in a bad spot.
JacloPac's avatar
From @JacloPac
Finland’s president, Sauli Niinisto, said that he spoke to #LiarInChief #Trump on Nov. 11 in Paris about how it use…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JacloPac: @remysmidt snarks about Trump's "raking" comments. I did a little research & found the Fixteri machine he might have been told about. If she were a real journalist she would have done that too & then asked experts to weigh in. She's not a real journalist. #BuzzFeed