Tweets to Prof. Katharine Hayhoe

Prof. Katharine Hayhoe's avatar
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Prof. Katharine Hayhoe
Texas Tech University
Not suspicious, just Canadian. Climate scientist, @TTUCSC director, poli sci prof, knitter, pastor's wife, mom. TIME100 + Fortune50 + UN Champion of the Earth.
Tweets to this user:
Simon Donner's avatar
From @simondonner
There are a lot of questions in my timeline about why scientists are so confident that humans are resonating for cl…
Dr Elisabeth Kosters 🇨🇦🇳🇱's avatar
From @EC_Kosters
@simondonner @KHayhoe Yes, she does, eloquently. Yet today I once again got trapped in a “debate” with some deniers…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Neither of you have ever made a convincing case, as reality shows. That's why you have to use smears like "deniers". Name a smart belieber. MT @EC_Kosters Yet today I once again got trapped in a "debate" with some deniers... MT @simondonner [CC is real because I say so]