Tweets to rippin’ up yo speech & livin’ in yo head

rippin’ up yo speech & livin’ in yo head's avatar
Twitter handle: 
rippin’ up yo speech & livin’ in yo head
Los Angeles, CA
rage tweeting against the regime. disabled queen w/ nothing to lose.♿️🏳️‍🌈🍩🧔 no brobots or trumpkins. 👊#stillwithher. gotta survive so plz visit my GFM.
Tweets to this user:
rippin’ up yo speech & livin’ in yo head's avatar
From @maison21
RT @Salon_Politics: Right-wing's sick Twitter celebration: @AnnCoulter @TedNugent @brithume battle for grossest Darren Wilson tweet http://…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@maison21: Salon saying bad things about Coulter *helps* her. To *undercut* her, make #Teaparty realize she didn't try to stop amnesty.