Tweets to Martha S. Jones, JD, PhD

Martha S. Jones, JD, PhD's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Martha S. Jones, JD, PhD
Baltimore, MD & Paris, France
Author Birthright Citizens: SOBA Presidential Professor @johnshopkins. Co-President @BerksConference.
Tweets to this user:
Sam Stein's avatar
From @samstein
Man Who Wanted to End Birthright Citizenship & Militarize Border is Now Trumpโ€™s Immigration Chief Via @scottbix
Dido Belle Jr. ๐Ÿงœ๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ's avatar
From @yoyomorena
@samstein @scottbix Giving @marthasjones_ more work I see.
Charles Kuck's avatar
From @ckuck
@samstein @FrankSharry @scottbix Quit illegally.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ckuck: you know @samstein is lying about Cuccinelli: he's a stock loose borders RINO who's insincerely pandered in the past. You also know a "militarized border" would cut border deaths & raise wages. You know these things, but don't have the integrity to call Stein out.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@yoyomorena: as an academic with a career to protect, @marthasjones_ might be more circumspect about lying than @samstein. Cuccinelli is just a stock loose borders RINO, past pandering aside. That's where Trump is actually vulnerable, not over Stein's attempts to deceive.