Tweets to Max Boot

Max Boot's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Max Boot
New York
CFR fellow, WaPo columnist, CNN analyst. Author: “The Road Not Taken,” “Corrosion of Conservatism.” All opinions mine; feel free to adopt them. RT≠endorsement.
Tweets to this user:
Washington Post Opinions's avatar
From @PostOpinions
Trump’s ill-advised pardons will damage Americans’ view of the military, write @JoeKristol and @spetraeus
David Rust's avatar
From @DavidRust5
@PostOpinions @MaxBoot @JoeKristol @spetraeus And damage the military's view of our democracy. If Gallagher gets a…
Frank Jannuzi's avatar
From @FrankJannuzi
@PostOpinions @MaxBoot @JoeKristol @spetraeus Worth a read. Being patriotic requires much more than what @potus has…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Keep reading, Trump's working on trouncing people like you again. OTOH, you'll have four more years of whining. MT @FrankJannuzi Worth a read... MT WaPo [hypes @JoeKristol 's blog "Say, old chap, I simply cannot abide this Trump fellow. I do not like the look of his jib."]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DavidRust5: being "Past President, North American Mycological Association" earns points around here. Now, you need to review reality. Nothing those like @joekristol have ever said about Trump has done anything other than helped him. They aren't smart enough to change that.
Officious Jim's avatar
From @JimOfficious
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JimOfficious: Trump, like Obama & GWB, is a big fan of corporate socialism (disguised as raw capitalism). So too are Liz Warren, AOC, etc. Eg, they'd all give Big Biz all the cheap labor they want & stick the non-wealthy with the bill. Where AOC's esp toxic is Gramscism.
Max Boot's avatar
From @MaxBoot
John McKellar's avatar
From @JohnMcKellar2
@MaxBoot I knew before checking your account that you are likely a CNN cretin. And a second string one to boot.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JohnMcKellar2: the many issues with @MaxBoot don't involve him being on CNN. The actual issues involve him being a NeoCon, a NeoLiberal (i.e., like Koch on trade/immigration/globalism),& being too intellectually weak & too much of a wimp to do simple things like undercut Trump.
Max Boot's avatar
From @MaxBoot
Great to see you standing up for the flag, @senatemajldr. Now try standing up for the values that the flag represen…
Jack 🇺🇸's avatar
From @jackresists
@MaxBoot @senatemajldr He won't and that's what Republicans don't understand
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jackresists: Trump's horrific, but Nike caving to someone who's offended by the U.S. flag is horrific in its own minor way. In any case, @MaxBoot will give Trump what he wants on Thursday. See my pinned tweet for a smart plan to keep Trump from hijacking the 4th of July.
Anne Ward's avatar
From @AnneCW
@MaxBoot @CNNTonight @PostOpinions What are the consequences of a contempt citation? Other than a citation? Is ther…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AnneCW: Trump's PR efforts were beyond incompetent; Trump helped make FL more blue; USS McCain; Trump supports amnesty; Congress would neglect/demolish his "wall"; etc. @MaxBoot lacks the smarts to use those against Trump in smart ways. He pushes chimeras instead.
Max Boot's avatar
From @MaxBoot
I’ll be on @CNNTonight at 11 pm talking about contempt citations for a Bill Barr and Wilbur Ross. My…
Joel C Richmond's avatar
From @jcrsaltman
@MaxBoot @CNNTonight @PostOpinions Great piece
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jcrsaltman: @MaxBoot has had years to undercut Trump & all he's done is whine. In 2015 he could have easily pushed a campaign to ask Trump/his proxies tough policy Qs that'd show Trump is deceiving his base. Likewise in 2016. And 2017. And 2018. And 2019.... So, why didn't he?
Max Boot's avatar
From @MaxBoot
I’ll be on @CNNTonight at 10:30 with @crampell and @alicetweet talking 2020. My @PostOpinions column argues that…
kj's avatar
From @polirical
@MaxBoot @CNNTonight @crampell @alicetweet @PostOpinions How do we reverse this downward spiral Max?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@polirical asks @MaxBoot "How do we reverse this downward spiral Max?" The first problem is many enable him & others, even though - as the very fact Trump won proves - they have no intention of ever actually doing anything & even if they did they lack smarts to do right things.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@polirical: what you can do right now is use leverage. Force those like @MaxBoot to either come up with smart plans designed to undercut Trump, take those plans from the few who can develop them (i.e., me), or lose clicks. Put their careers on the line & watch them jump.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MaxBoot blogs "On Wednesday, the Twitter mob came for me". It's almost as bad as the time terrorists looted Iraq armories because NeoCons like Boot thought Iraq needed invading followed by a period of anarchy. #DemocracyWhiskySexy #MAGA #resist
Joel B. Pollak's avatar
From @joelpollak
All you need to know about @MaxBoot is he is tougher on Trump than on Obama.
JimmyModerate's avatar
From @JimmyModerate
@joelpollak @MaxBoot You should be as well... unless you side with serial lying, paying off porn stars, cheating on…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JimmyModerate @robbfritz: @joelpollak is *extremely* vulnerable to his consumers. Pollak came out for amnesty. That's like if Bernie came out for bump stocks. Pollak is toast if you let enough of his consumers know about this:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MaxBoot lies: he calls illegal aliens "immigrants" (see ). @PARISDENNARD tries to put a smiley face on Trump's initial smear. If Trump said "and some blacks, I assume, are good people" what would that mean? #MAGA #resist #CNN
