Tweets to Mihee Kim-Kort 김미희

Mihee Kim-Kort 김미희's avatar
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Mihee Kim-Kort 김미희
Indiana, USA
Apple Slicer. Master at Untying Shoelaces. Ponytail aficionado. Mostly PhD student @iu_relstud. Managing Editor @amreljournal. #Colorado girl. #queer
Tweets to this user:
Mihee Kim-Kort 김미희's avatar
From @miheekimkort
RT @KidsImmigration: 'It’s Heartbreaking' Says Judge, As Children Younger Than 5 Appear in Court Without Legal Representation : Latin Post …
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@miheekimkort: I'm confused. Are you telling me 5 year olds cross the U.S. border *alone*?
Mihee Kim-Kort 김미희's avatar
From @miheekimkort
@24AheadDotCom_ @PoppImmigration I'm not sure why this is confusing. Yes. Children. Are trying to escape the violence of their countries.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@miheekimkort: CentAm crime rates are on par w/ Detroit etc. What would you think of Detroit parents who put 5-year-olds on a Death Train?