Tweets to Candace Owens

Candace Owens's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Candace Owens
New York, USA
My book BLACKOUT is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kindle and more!
Tweets to this user:
PragerU's avatar
From @prageru
Big Tech platforms are now engaged in election meddling. Anyone who values fair and free elections should be deepl…
AustinPowers0069's avatar
From @powers0069
@prageru @RealCandaceO @PrisonPlanet Not if we fight back! United we stand!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@powers0069: @prageru *helps* social media censorship by making it a con-only thing. They don't really oppose censorship: if they did they'd do it across the board. They help Twitter by dividing their opposition and by shrinking the tent.
Eric Weinstein's avatar
From @EricRWeinstein
The idea that the Right is patriotic and the Left is not, is nonsense and offensive nonsense at that. Cut the divis…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Those like her get away with it because of those like you, as you show. Your tweet won't stop her & the rest from making those claims. Can you figure out what would? MT @EricRWeinstein [to @RealCandaceO] idea that r/w is patriotic & l/w isn't is nonsense & offensive
Avery54's avatar
From @lavery1965
RT @Acewilums: @RealCandaceO @Alyssa_Milano She reported my comments and got my account suspended . Due To the Fact I said she was a raci…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Dozens have MAGA have blocked me, attempting to do the same as Milano allegedly did. They help Twitter censorship. So do those who falsely claim only cons are censored. MT @lavery1965 MT @Acewilums [Alysa Milano allegedly got me suspended]
Candace Owens's avatar
From @RealCandaceO
At the age of 30, @AOC was so fiscally irresponsible that she hadn’t saved up enough money to rent an apartment in…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
She needs to take grifting lessons from you. MT @RealCandaceO At the age of 30, @AOC was so fiscally irresponsible that she hadn’t saved up enough money to rent an apartment in the Washington D.C area... But sure, let’s trust her with the future fiscal-planning of America.
Mike Tokes's avatar
From @MikeTokes
BREAKING: Republican Senators Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, and Mike Lee were targeted and doxxed with their home/of…
Mike Tokes's avatar
From @MikeTokes
UPDATE: Wikipedia has reverted the pages of the Republican Senators and the previous edits publishing their persona…
Mike Tokes's avatar
From @MikeTokes
UPDATE: When searching for activity associated with the House of Representatives IP's used in the doxxing of Republ…
WEBjr's avatar
From @gbillingsleyjr
@MikeTokes @RealOmarNavarro @FBI @ChuckGrassley @OrrinHatch @parscale @RealCandaceO @charliekirk11 @LindseyGrahamSC…
Mike with the brown water's avatar
From @LibertyLefty
@gbillingsleyjr @MikeTokes @RealOmarNavarro @FBI @ChuckGrassley @OrrinHatch @parscale @RealCandaceO @charliekirk11…
Mike Tokes's avatar
From @MikeTokes
UPDATE: I have reached out to Kathleen Sengstock, the Maxine Waters staffer who is associated with the House of Rep…
WEBjr's avatar
From @gbillingsleyjr
@LibertyLefty @MikeTokes @RealOmarNavarro @FBI @ChuckGrassley @OrrinHatch @parscale @RealCandaceO @charliekirk11…
Wits McGee's avatar
From @wits_mcgee
@MikeTokes @Justicegroupie2 Um, that’s a dude.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@gbillingsleyjr: @MikeTokes, Streiff of #RedState, & #ZeroHedge desperately need everyone to help make them better reporters:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@wits_mcgee @dreamy121 @stk2470: based on the cops arresting someone else, MikeTokes appears to have smeared someone with no links to the doxing. Tokes doesn't appear to have issued a mea culpa. What about you? Do you have the integrity to do that or do you enable #FakeNews?
Sarah Eaglesfield 👌's avatar
From @zenxv
Video proof that there's a Twitter algorithm affecting @CountDankulaTV, @RealCandaceO and @KyleKashuv. Myself and…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Sometimes it isn't about you or your pals. Sometimes you have to think of others. Most learn that in Kindergarten. #Twitter heavily censors *all* kinds of users. MT @zenxv Video proof that there's a Twitter algorithm affecting [users 0.00000001% of world has ever heard of]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@zenxv: as the reports at my top tweet show, #Twitter censors about as many libs as cons and also Target customers & Ozil fans. Sometimes it isn't just about you or your pals, it's about millions of people being censored. Have some concern for everyone else for once.
Candace Owens's avatar
From @RealCandaceO
I have a ton of issues with social media but I personally like @jack. Big difference between @twitter and @facebook…
Mad Replicant's avatar
From @MadReplicant
@RealCandaceO @jack @Twitter @facebook #SMACA would solve all of these issues for Facebook and Twitter by prohibiti…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MadReplicant: a smart plan you can do right now while waiting for #SMACA to happen is very easy. Help find a reporter to cover the reports at my top tweet. I've asked several but can't find one. How about you helping? Exposing what Twitter actually does would help you.
Patricia Eagle's avatar
From @PatriciaEagle
RT @NoMoreElitists: Cox’s response means @RealCandaceO is getting traction,
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PatriciaEagle @NoMoreElitists: looking at what happened to #InfoWars, is it rational to say that how they opposed social media censorship was the right way to do it? Didn't their way - marginalizing themselves, solipsism, shrinking the tent - end up greatly harming them?
Traveler 3468 | Trump Fix's avatar
From @TrumpFix
RT @PrisonPlanet: Now they're calling @RealCandaceO "extreme" and trying to brigade her off social media. This doesn't end with Alex Jones.…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TrumpFix: based on what's happened to @PrisonPlanet, would you say how he's opposed censorship works? Wouldn't that be like taking tips on winning from the Orioles? He's *helped* his opponents by playing partisan games with censorship & shrinking the tent.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RealCandaceO tweeted 2 @SarahJeong tweets, replacing "white" w/ "Jewish" & got suspended until #Twitter said "it looks like we made an error". Owens thinks Jeong's tweets should be deleted (wrong) & is shrinking the tent of likely opponents to TWTR censorship for personal gain.
