Tweets to They say life is funny...Sometimes I wish I was.

They say life is funny...Sometimes I wish I was.'s avatar
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They say life is funny...Sometimes I wish I was.
Pickering, Ontario, Canada
Canadian guy who likes US Politics, sports, old movies etc etc. I may be a Canadian but i'm also a citizen of the World.
Tweets to this user:
Charlie Spiering's avatar
From @charliespiering
Guess who? "I wish we could get this over with quickly. … In pushing the process, in pushing the arguments of fairn…
They say life is funny...Sometimes I wish I was.'s avatar
From @SPTO
@charliespiering @kristina_wong Apples to oranges bud, They were going after Clinton for moral improprieties (whi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SPTO: #Breitbart has consistently pushed amnesty (calling the Goodlatte amnesty "pro-American", Pollak outright advocating for amnesty, etc.) That's a huge vulnerability for them. Has #TheResistance taken advantage of that huge vulnerability, yes/no?
Felicia Sonmez's avatar
From @feliciasonmez
Reporters were not allowed inside the hospital to witness this "Rock Star" reception today.
They say life is funny...Sometimes I wish I was.'s avatar
From @SPTO
@feliciasonmez @ddale8 I doubt this very very much. If anything i'm guessing Trump was received politely but with disdain.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Can you direct me to anything Sonmez has ever said ever having any impact on Trump? Has she put him on the spot on anything? Has she shown him wrong to his base? Haven't those like her only ever helped Trump? MT @SPTO MT @feliciasonmez [snarks about Trump's Dayton trip]