Tweets to Tony Colleluori

Tony Colleluori's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Tony Colleluori
United States
I am privileged to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. I am there when friends & family have abandoned you. I am a crisis trial lawyer. I help!
Tweets to this user:
A Crime a Day's avatar
From @CrimeADay
40 USC §1315 & 7 CFR §503.8 make it a federal crime to go to the Plum Island Animal Disease Center while you're drunk.
Tony Colleluori's avatar
From @ThatLawyerDude
@CrimeADay Why would you go there sober?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ThatLawyerDude: Ajit Pai frequently RTs @CrimeADay. The goal is clear: undercut regulations that cost Big Biz money. The GOP wants to "socialize the costs and privatize the profits", is that good policy?