Tweets to Which Way, Western World?

Which Way, Western World?'s avatar
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Which Way, Western World?
United States
We too should be tribal establishment climbers and tribal establishment builders. We ceded that ground to those who hate us. Support our political prisoners!
Tweets to this user:
Which Way, Western World?'s avatar
From @trajan_decius
RT @TheMaster2166: @MarkSKrikorian It would be nice if @TomCottonAR could explain to him how the tech companines use the Visa programs to s…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@trajan_decius @TheMaster2166: Jessica Vaughn of CIS was a Trump advisor. @MarkSKrikorian could have given her talking points that'd appeal to Trump's ego & that would also help the USA. He didn't. Mark's just a scammer, stealing money from people. Details on request.