Tweets to George D.

George D.'s avatar
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George D.
I'm voting for the candidate who polls highest to beat Trump. Right now that's #Biden2020
Tweets to this user:
Joe Biden (Text Join to 30330)'s avatar
From @JoeBiden
The Russian Facebook trolls are back — and this time, they're going after my campaign. We cannot let 2016 repeat it…
Joseph Massey's avatar
From @jmasseypoet
@JoeBiden What campaign? I haven't noticed one.
Chris D. Jackson's avatar
From @ChrisDJackson
@JoeBiden Donald Trump and Russia are both going after Biden. That should tell Democrats who they fear. Donate tod…
George D.'s avatar
From @xdelmar59
@ChrisDJackson @kahuna754 @JoeBiden Thank you
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Since Putin's much smarter than you & Biden, there are alternate explanations. MT @ChrisDJackson Donald Trump and Russia are both going after Biden. That should tell Democrats who they fear.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@xdelmar59: Putin's much smarter than Biden, Trump, & @ChrisDJackson. He was obvious about using "bots" knowing how U.S. pols would react: by trying to quash dissent. He wants more USA censorship in order to show the U.S. system is unfeasible. Biden *helps* Putin.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jmasseypoet: Biden is serving Putin's interests by pushing censorship. Putin wants even more U.S. censorship in order to show that our system - such as the First - is unfeasible & that people need totalitarianism.