steny hoyer

steny hoyer: Page 1

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John Kelly admits his role on weakening Trump on immigration; Kelly supports amnesty and opposes a full border wall - 01/17/18

From [1]: White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly told Democratic lawmakers Wednesday that the United States will never construct a physical wall along the entire stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border and that some of President Trump’s campaign promises on immigration were “uninformed.”

Democratic Convention speakers list and immigration - 09/03/12

Summary This post has a list of the speakers at the Democratic National Convention and links to more information on their immigration positions when known. There are also a preview of how the immigration issue will be presented at the convention, and some things you can do if you oppose illegal immigration. Preview

Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden wear anti-Arizona law bracelets at Mexican president's speech - 05/22/10

A couple of days ago, the Democrats in Congress gave Mexican president Felipe Calderon a standing ovation after he criticized the new Arizona immigration law on the House floor. It gets even worse, as shown on this video: Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and no doubt others were wearing rubber bracelets designed to show solidarity against Arizona's law during the Calderon speech. From this earlier story about Rep. Joe Baca (link): As part of his general boycott of Arizona -- which includes his refusal to fly through Phoenix on his weekly trips to and from Washington -- Baca, D-...

Bush rejoiced Democrat takeover of House; can get immigration "reform" - 01/07/07

The article "Congressional leaders predict immigration law" quotes House Democratic Leader Steny Hoyer describing last week's meeting between Bush and Dem leaders on today's "Fox News Sunday": "He (Bush) smiled and he said, 'You know, I think I'm going to have a lot easier time dealing with you on immigration than I had dealing with the House Republican leadership on immigration.'" GOP members (

Repeal the 22nd Amendment? - 06/28/05

U.S. Rep. Howard Berman (D-Van Nuys,CA) is co-sponsoring legislation to repeal the 22nd Amendment so that presidents could serve as many terms as they could win. The sponsor is Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), and it's received the support of James Sensenbrenner (R-WI). Report in "Two-term limit under fire". Note that even if this passes it wouldn't apply to Our Leader, just future members of the Bush family.